Mating Schemes

class MatingScheme

class MatingScheme

This mating scheme is the base class of all mating schemes. It evolves a population generation by generation but does not actually transmit genotype.


Create a base mating scheme that evolves a population without transmitting genotypes. At each generation, this mating scheme creates an offspring generation according to parameter subPopSize, which can be a list of subpopulation sizes (or a number if there is only one subpopulation) or a Python function which will be called at each generation, just before mating, to determine the subpopulation sizes of the offspring generation. The function should be defined with one or both parameters of gen and pop where gen is the current generation number and pop is the parental population just before mating. The return value of this function should be a list of subpopulation sizes for the offspring generation. A single number can be returned if there is only one subpopulation. The passed parental population is usually used to determine offspring population size from parental population size but you can also modify this population to prepare for mating. A common practice is to split and merge parental populations in this function so that you demographic related information and actions could be implemented in the same function.

class HomoMating

class HomoMating

A homogeneous mating scheme that uses a parent chooser to choose parents from a prental generation, and an offspring generator to generate offspring from chosen parents. It can be either used directly, or within a heterogeneous mating scheme. In the latter case, it can be applied to a (virtual) subpopulation.

HomoMating(chooser, generator, subPopSize=[], subPops=ALL_AVAIL, weight=0)

Create a homogeneous mating scheme using a parent chooser chooser and an offspring generator generator.

If this mating scheme is used directly in a simulator, it will be responsible for creating an offspring population according to parameter subPopSize. This parameter can be a list of subpopulation sizes (or a number if there is only one subpopulation) or a Python function which will be called at each generation to determine the subpopulation sizes of the offspring generation. Please refer to class MatingScheme for details about this parameter.

If this mating shcme is used within a heterogeneous mating scheme. Parameters subPops and weight are used to determine which (virtual) subpopulations this mating scheme will be applied to, and how many offspring this mating scheme will produce. Please refer to mating scheme HeteroMating for the use of these two parameters.

class HeteroMating

class HeteroMating

A heterogeneous mating scheme that applies a list of homogeneous mating schemes to different (virtual) subpopulations.

HeteroMating(matingSchemes, subPopSize=[], shuffleOffspring=True, weightBy=ANY_SEX)

Create a heterogeneous mating scheme that will apply a list of homogeneous mating schemes matingSchemes to different (virtual) subpopulations. The size of the offspring generation is determined by parameter subPopSize, which can be a list of subpopulation sizes or a Python function that returns a list of subpopulation sizes at each generation. Please refer to class MatingScheme for a detailed explanation of this parameter.

Each mating scheme defined in matingSchemes can be applied to one or more (virtual) subpopulation. If parameter subPops is not specified, a mating scheme will be applied to all subpopulations. If a list of (virtual) subpopulation is specified, the mating scheme will be applied to specific (virtual) subpopulations.

If multiple mating schemes are applied to the same subpopulation, a weight (parameter weight) can be given to each mating scheme to determine how many offspring it will produce. The default weight for all mating schemes are 0. In this case, the number of offspring each mating scheme produces is proportional to the number of individuals in its parental (virtual) subpopulation (default to all parents, but can be father for weightBy=MALE_ONLY, mother for weightBy=FEMALE_ONLY, or father mother pairs (less of number of father and mothers) for weightBy=PAIR_ONLY). If all weights are negative, the numbers of offspring are determined by the multiplication of the absolute values of the weights and their respective parental (virtual) subpopulation sizes. If all weights are positive, the number of offspring produced by each mating scheme is proportional to these weights, except for mating schemes with zero parental population size (or no father, no mother, or no pairs, depending on value of parameter weightBy). Mating schemes with zero weight in this case will produce no offspring. If both negative and positive weights are present, negative weights are processed before positive ones.

A sexual mating scheme might fail if a parental (virtual) subpopulation has no father or mother. In this case, you can set weightBy to PAIR_ONLY so a (virtual) subpopulation will appear to have zero size, and will thus contribute no offspring to the offspring population. Note that the perceived parental (virtual) subpopulation size in this mode (and in modes of MALE_ONLY, FEMALE_ONLY) during the calculation of the size of the offspring subpopulation will be roughly half of the actual population size so you might have to use weight=-2 if you would like to have an offspring subpopulation that is roughly the same size of the parental (virtual) subpopulation.

If multiple mating schemes are applied to the same subpopulation, offspring produced by these mating schemes are shuffled randomly. If this is not desired, you can turn off offspring shuffling by setting parameter shuffleOffspring to False.

class ConditionalMating

class ConditionalMating

A conditional mating scheme that applies different mating schemes according to a condition (similar to operator IfElse). The condition can be a fixed condition, an expression or a user-defined function, to determine which mating scheme to be used.

ConditionalMating(cond, ifMatingScheme, elseMatingScheme)

Create a conditional mating scheme that applies mating scheme ifMatingScheme if the condition cond is True, or elseMatingScheme if cond is False. If a Python expression (a string) is given to parameter cond, the expression will be evalulated in parental population’s local namespace. When a Python function is specified, it accepts parameter pop for the parental population. The return value of this function should be True or False. Otherwise, parameter cond will be treated as a fixed condition (converted to True or False) upon which ifMatingScheme or elseMatingScheme will alway be applied.

class PedigreeMating

class PedigreeMating

This mating scheme evolves a population following an existing pedigree structure. If the Pedigree object has N ancestral generations and a present generation, it can be used to evolve a population for N generations, starting from the topmost ancestral generation. At the k-th generation, this mating scheme produces an offspring generation according to subpopulation structure of the N-k-1 ancestral generation in the pedigree object (e.g. producing the offspring population of generation 0 according to the N-1 ancestral generation of the pedigree object ). For each offspring, this mating scheme copies individual ID and sex from the corresponing individual in the pedigree object. It then locates the parents of each offspring using their IDs in the pedigree object. A list of during mating operators are then used to transmit parental genotype to the offspring. The population being evolved must have an information field 'ind_id'.

PedigreeMating(ped, ops, idField="ind_id")

Creates a pedigree mating scheme that evolves a population according to Pedigree object ped. The evolved population should contain individuals with ID (at information field idField, default to 'ind_id') that match those individual in the topmost ancestral generation who have offspring. After parents of each individuals are determined from their IDs, a list of during-mating operators ops are applied to transmit genotypes. The return value of these operators are not checked.


FIXME: No document

class SequentialParentChooser

class SequentialParentChooser

This parent chooser chooses a parent from a parental (virtual) subpopulation sequentially. Natural selection is not considered. If the last parent is reached, this parent chooser will restart from the beginning of the (virtual) subpopulation.


Create a parent chooser that chooses a parent from a parental (virtual) subpopulation sequentially. Parameter choice can be ANY_SEX (default), MALE_ONLY and FEMALE_ONLY. In the latter two cases, only male or female individuals are selected. A RuntimeError will be raised if there is no male or female individual from the population.


Return chosen parents from a population if the parent chooser object is created with a population.

initialize(pop, subPop)

Initialize a parent chooser for subpopulation subPop of population pop.

class SequentialParentsChooser

class SequentialParentsChooser

This parent chooser chooses two parents (a father and a mother) sequentially from their respective sex groups. Selection is not considered. If all fathers (or mothers) are exhausted, this parent chooser will choose fathers (or mothers) from the beginning of the (virtual) subpopulation again.


Create a parent chooser that chooses two parents sequentially from a parental (virtual) subpopulation.

class RandomParentChooser

class RandomParentChooser

This parent chooser chooses a parent randomly from a (virtual) parental subpopulation. Parents are chosen with or without replacement. If parents are chosen with replacement, a parent can be selected multiple times. If individual fitness values are assigned to individuals ( stored in an information field selectionField (default to "fitness"), individuals will be chosen at a probability proportional to his or her fitness value. If parents are chosen without replacement, a parent can be chosen only once. An RuntimeError will be raised if all parents are exhausted. Natural selection is disabled in the without- replacement case.

RandomParentChooser(replacement=True, selectionField="fitness", sexChoice=ANY_SEX)

Create a random parent chooser that choose parents with or without replacement (parameter replacement, default to True). If selection is enabled and information field selectionField exists in the passed population, the probability that a parent is chosen is proportional to his/her fitness value stored in selectionField. This parent chooser by default chooses parent from all individuals (ANY_SEX), but it can be made to select only male (MALE_ONLY) or female (FEMALE_ONLY) individuals by setting parameter sexChoice.


Return chosen parents from a population if the parent chooser object is created with a population.

initialize(pop, subPop)

Initialize a parent chooser for subpopulation subPop of population pop.

class RandomParentsChooser

class RandomParentsChooser

This parent chooser chooses two parents, a male and a female, randomly from a (virtual) parental subpopulation. Parents are chosen with or without replacement from their respective sex group. If parents are chosen with replacement, a parent can be selected multiple times. If individual fitness values are assigned (stored in information field selectionField, default to "fitness", the probability that an individual is chosen is proportional to his/her fitness value among all individuals with the same sex. If parents are chosen without replacement, a parent can be chosen only once. An RuntimeError will be raised if all males or females are exhausted. Natural selection is disabled in the without-replacement case.

RandomParentsChooser(replacement=True, selectionField="fitness")

Create a random parents chooser that choose two parents with or without replacement (parameter replacement, default to True). If selection is enabled and information field selectionField exists in the passed population, the probability that a parent is chosen is proportional to his/her fitness value stored in selectionField.


Return chosen parents from a population if the parent chooser object is created with a population.

initialize(pop, subPop)

Initialize a parent chooser for subpopulation subPop of population pop.

class PolyParentsChooser

class PolyParentsChooser

This parent chooser is similar to random parents chooser but instead of selecting a new pair of parents each time, one of the parents in this parent chooser will mate with several spouses before he/she is replaced. This mimicks multi-spouse mating schemes such as polygyny or polyandry in some populations. Natural selection is supported for both sexes.

PolyParentsChooser(polySex=MALE, polyNum=1, selectionField="fitness")

Create a multi-spouse parents chooser where each father (if polySex is MALE) or mother (if polySex is FEMALE) has polyNum spouses. The parents are chosen with replacement. If individual fitness values are assigned (stored to information field selectionField, default to "fitness"), the probability that an individual is chosen is proportional to his/her fitness value among all individuals with the same sex.


Return chosen parents from a population if the parent chooser object is created with a population.

initialize(pop, subPop)

Initialize a parent chooser for subpopulation subPop of population pop.

class CombinedParentsChooser

class CombinedParentsChooser

This parent chooser accepts two parent choosers. It takes one parent from each parent chooser and return them as father and mother. Because two parent choosers do not have to choose parents from the same virtual subpopulation, this parent chooser allows you to choose parents from different subpopulations.

CombinedParentsChooser(fatherChooser, motherChooser, allowSelfing=True)

Create a Python parent chooser using two parent choosers fatherChooser and motherChooser. It takes one parent from each parent chooser and return them as father and mother. If two valid parents are returned, the first valid parent (father) will be used for fatherChooser, the second valid parent (mother) will be used for motherChooser. Although these two parent choosers are supposed to return a father and a mother respectively, the sex of returned parents are not checked so it is possible to return parents with the same sex using this parents chooser. This choose by default allows the selection of the same parents as father and mother (self-fertilization), unless a parameter allowSelfing is used to disable it.


Return chosen parents from a population if the parent chooser object is created with a population.

initialize(pop, subPop)

Initialize a parent chooser for subpopulation subPop of population pop.

class PyParentsChooser

class PyParentsChooser

This parent chooser accepts a Python generator function that repeatedly yields one or two parents, which can be references to individual objects or indexes relative to each subpopulation. The parent chooser calls the generator function with parental population and a subpopulation index for each subpopulation and retrieves parents repeatedly using the iterator interface of the generator function.

This parent chooser does not support virtual subpopulation directly. However, because virtual subpopulations are defined in the passed parental population, it is easy to return parents from a particular virtual subpopulation using virtual subpopulation related functions.


Create a Python parent chooser using a Python generator function parentsGenerator. This function should accept one or both of parameters pop (the parental population) and subPop (index of subpopulation) and return the reference or index (relative to subpopulation) of a parent or a pair of parents repeatedly using the iterator interface of the generator function.


Return chosen parents from a population if the parent chooser object is created with a population.

initialize(pop, subPop)

Initialize a parent chooser for subpopulation subPop of population pop.

class OffspringGenerator

class OffspringGenerator

An offspring generator generates offspring from parents chosen by a parent chooser. It is responsible for creating a certain number of offspring, determinning their sex, and transmitting genotypes from parents to offspring.

OffspringGenerator(ops, numOffspring=1, sexMode=RANDOM_SEX)

Create a basic offspring generator. This offspring generator uses ops genotype transmitters to transmit genotypes from parents to offspring.

A number of during-mating operators (parameter ops) can be used to, among other possible duties such as setting information fields of offspring, transmit genotype from parents to offspring. This general offspring generator does not have any default during-mating operator but all stock mating schemes use an offspring generator with a default operator. For example, a mendelianOffspringGenerator is used by RandomMating to trasmit genotypes. Note that applicability parameters begin, step, end, at and reps could be used in these operators but negative population and generation indexes are unsupported.

Parameter numOffspring is used to control the number of offspring per mating event, or in another word the number of offspring in each family. It can be a number, a Python function or generator, or a mode parameter followed by some optional arguments. If a number is given, given number of offspring will be generated at each mating event. If a Python function is given, it will be called each time when a mating event happens. When a generator function is specified, it will be called for each subpopulation to provide number of offspring for all mating events during the populating of this subpopulation. Current generation number will be passed to this function or generator function if parameter “gen” is used in this function. In the last case, a tuple (or a list) in one of the following forms can be given:

  • (BINOMIAL_DISTRIBUTION, p, N), 0 < p <=1, N > 0
  • (UNIFORM_DISTRIBUTION, a, b), 0 <= a <= b.

In this case, the number of offspring will be determined randomly following the specified statistical distributions. Because families with zero offspring are silently ignored, the distribution of the observed number of offspring per mating event (excluding zero) follows zero-truncated versions of these distributions.

Parameter numOffspring specifies the number of offspring per mating event but the actual surviving offspring can be less than specified. More spefically, if any during-mating operator returns False, an offspring will be discarded so the actually number of offspring of a mating event will be reduced. This is essentially how during-mating selector works.

Parameter sexMode is used to control the sex of each offspring. Its default value is usually RANDOM_SEX which assign MALE or FEMALE to each individual randomly, with equal probabilities. If NO_SEX is given, offspring sex will not be changed. sexMode can also be one of

  • (PROB_OF_MALES, p) where p is the probability of male for each offspring,
  • (NUM_OF_MALES, n) where n is the number of males in a mating event. If n is greater than or equal to the number of offspring in this family, all offspring in this family will be MALE.
  • (NUM_OF_FEMALES, n) where n is the number of females in a mating event,
  • (SEQUENCE_OF_SEX, s1, s2 ...) where s1, s2 etc are MALE or FEMALE. The sequence will be used for each mating event. It will be reused if the number of offspring in a mating event is greater than the length of sequence.
  • (GLOBAL_SEQUENCE_OF_SEX, s1, s2, ...) where s1, s2 etc are MALE or FEMALE. The sequence will be used across mating events. It will be reused if the number of offspring in a subpopulation is greater than the length of sequence.

Finally, parameter sexMode accepts a function or a generator function. A function will be called whenever an offspring is produced. A generator will be created at each subpopulation and will be used to produce sex for all offspring in this subpopulation. No parameter is accepted.

class ControlledOffspringGenerator

class ControlledOffspringGenerator

This offspring generator populates an offspring population and controls allele frequencies at specified loci. At each generation, expected allele frequencies at these loci are passed from a user defined allele frequency trajectory function. The offspring population is populated in two steps. At the first step, only families with disease alleles are accepted until until the expected number of disease alleles are met. At the second step, only families with wide type alleles are accepted to populate the rest of the offspring generation. This method is described in detail in “Peng et al, (2007) PLoS Genetics”.

ControlledOffspringGenerator(loci, alleles, freqFunc, ops=[], numOffspring=1, sexMode=RANDOM_SEX)

Create an offspring generator that selects offspring so that allele frequency at specified loci in the offspring generation reaches specified allele frequency. At the beginning of each generation, expected allele frequency of alleles at loci is returned from a user-defined trajectory function freqFunc. Parameter loci can be a list of loci indexes, names, or ALL_AVAIL. If there is no subpopulation, this function should return a list of frequencies for each locus. If there are multiple subpopulations, freqFunc can return a list of allele frequencies for all subpopulations or combined frequencies that ignore population structure. In the former case, allele frequencies should be arranged by loc0_sp0, loc1_sp0, … loc0_sp1, loc1_sp1, …, and so on. In the latter case, overall expected number of alleles are scattered to each subpopulation in proportion to existing number of alleles in each subpopulation, using a multinomial distribution.

After the expected alleles are calculated, this offspring generator accept and reject families according to their genotype at loci until allele frequecies reach their expected values. The rest of the offspring generation is then filled with families without only wild type alleles at these loci.

This offspring generator is derived from class OffspringGenerator. Please refer to class OffspringGenerator for a detailed description of parameters ops, numOffspring and sexMode.