Function form of operators

Function acgtMutate

acgtMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator AcgtMutator

Function contextMutate

contextMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator ContextMutator

Function discardIf

discardIf(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Apply operator DiscardIf to population pop to remove individuals according to an expression or a Python function.

Function dump

dump(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Apply operator Dumper to population pop.

Function infoEval

infoEval(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Evaluate expr for each individual, using information fields as variables. Please refer to operator InfoEval for details.

Function infoExec

infoExec(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Execute stmts for each individual, using information fields as variables. Please refer to operator InfoExec for details.

Function initGenotype

initGenotype(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Apply operator InitGenotype to population pop.

Function initInfo

initInfo(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Apply operator InitInfo to population pop.

Function initSex

initSex(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Apply operator InitSex to population pop.

Function kAlleleMutate

kAlleleMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator KAlleleMutator

Function maPenetrance

maPenetrance(pop, loci, penetrance, wildtype=0, ancGens=True, *args, **kwargs)

Apply opertor MaPenetrance to population pop. Unlike the operator form of this operator that only handles the current generation, this function by default assign affection status to all generations.

Function mapPenetrance

mapPenetrance(pop, loci, penetrance, ancGens=True, *args, **kwargs)

Apply opertor MapPenetrance to population pop. Unlike the operator form of this operator that only handles the current generation, this function by default assign affection status to all generations.

Function matrixMutate

matrixMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator MatrixMutator

Function mergeSubPops

mergeSubPops(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Merge subpopulations subPops of population pop into a single subpopulation. Please refer to the operator form of this funciton (MergeSubPops) for details

Function migrate

migrate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator Migrator.

Function backwardMigrate

backwardMigrate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator BackwardMigrator.

Function mixedMutate

mixedMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator MixedMutator

Function mlPenetrance

mlPenetrance(pop, ops, mode, ancGens=True, *args, **kwargs)

Apply opertor MapPenetrance to population pop. Unlike the operator form of this operator that only handles the current generation, this function by default assign affection status to all generations.

Function pointMutate

pointMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator PointMutator

Function pyEval

pyEval(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Evaluate statements stmts (optional) and expression expr in population pop’s local namespace and return the result of expr. If exposePop is given, population pop will be exposed in its local namespace as a variable with a name specified by exposePop. Unlike its operator counterpart, this function returns the result of expr rather than writting it to an output.

Function pyExec

pyExec(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Execute stmts in population pop’s local namespace.

Function pyMutate

pyMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator PyMutator

Function pyPenetrance

pyPenetrance(pop, func, loci=[], ancGens=True, *args, **kwargs)

Apply opertor PyPenetrance to population pop. Unlike the operator form of this operator that only handles the current generation, this function by default assign affection status to all generations.

Function pyMlPenetrance

pyMlPenetrance(pop, func, mode, loci=[], ancGens=True, *args, **kwargs)

Apply opertor PyMlPenetrance to population pop. Unlike the operator form of this operator that only handles the current generation, this function by default assign affection status to all generations.

Function pyQuanTrait

pyQuanTrait(pop, func, loci=[], ancGens=True, *args, **kwargs)

Apply opertor PyQuanTrait to population pop. Unlike the operator form of this operator that only handles the current generation, this function by default assign affection status to all generations.

Function resizeSubPops

resizeSubPops(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Resize subpopulations subPops of population pop into new sizes size. Individuals will be added or removed accordingly. Please refer to the operator form of this funciton (ResizeSubPops) for details

Function snpMutate

snpMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator SNPMutator

Function splitSubPops

splitSubPops(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Split subpopulations (subPops) of population pop according to either sizes or proportions of the resulting subpopulations, or an information field. Please refer to the operator form of this function (splitSubPop) for details.

Function stat

stat(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Apply operator Stat with specified parameters to population pop. Resulting statistics could be accessed from the local namespace of pop using functions pop.vars() or pop.dvars()

Function stepwiseMutate

stepwiseMutate(pop, *args, **kwargs)

Function form of operator StepwiseMutator

Function tagID

tagID(pop, reset=False, *args, **kwargs)

Apply operator IdTagger to population pop to assign a unique ID to all individuals in the population. Individuals ID will starts from a system wide index. You can reset this start ID using parameter reset which can be True (reset to 1) or a non-negative number (start from this number).