Other help sources

If you are new to Python, it is recommended that you borrow a Python book, or at least go through the following online Python tutorials:

  1. The Python tutorial (http://docs.python.org/tut/tut.html)
  2. Other online tutorials listed at http://www.python.org/doc/

If you are new to simuPOP, please read this guide before you dive into the simuPOP reference manual, which describes all the details of simuPOP but does not show you how to use them. Both documents are available online at http://simupop.sourceforge.net in both searchable HTML format and PDF format.

A simuPOP online cookbook (http://simupop.sourceforge.net/cookbook) is a wiki-based website where you can browse and download examples, functions and scripts for various simulation scenarios, and upload your own code snippets for the benefit of all simuPOP users. Please consider contributing to this cookbook if you have written some scripts that might be useful to others.

If you cannot find the answer you need, or if you believe that you have encountered a bug, or if you would like to request a feature, please subscribe to the simuPOP mailinglist (simupop-list@lists.sourceforge.net) and send your questions there.