Genotypic structure

Genotypic structure refers to structural information shared by all individuals in a population, including number of homologous copies of chromosomes (c.f. ploidy(), ploidyName()), chromosome types and names (c.f. numChrom(), chromType(), chromName()), position and name of each locus (c.f. numLoci(ch), locusPos(loc), locusName(loc)), and axillary information attached to each individual (c.f. infoField(idx), infoFields()). In addition to property access functions, a number of utility functions are provided to, for example, look up the index of a locus by its name (c.f. locusByName(), chromBegin(), chromLocusPair()).

In simuPOP, locus is a (named) position and alleles are just different numbers at that position. A locus can be a gene, a nucleotide, or even a deletion, depending on how you define alleles and mutations. For example,

  • A codon can be simulated as a locus with 64 allelic states, or three locus each with 4 allelic states. Alleles in the first case would be codons such as AAC and a mutation event would mutate one codon to another (e.g. AAC -> ACC). Alleles in the second case would be A, C, T or G, and a mutation event would mutate one nucleotide to another (e.g. A -> G).
  • You can use 0 and 1 (and the binary module of simuPOP) to simulate SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) markers and ignore the exact meaning of 0 and 1, or use 0, 1, 2, 3 to simulate different nucleotide (A, C, T, or G) in these markers. The mutation model in the second case would be more complex.
  • For microsatellite markers, alleles are usually interpreted as the number of tandem repeats. It would be difficult (though doable) to simulate the expansion and contraction of genome caused by the mutation of microsatellite markers.
  • The infinite site and infinite allele mutation models could be simulated using either a continuous sequence of nucleotides with a simple 2-allele mutation model, or a locus with a large number of possible allelic states. It is also possible to simulate an empty region (without any locus) with loci introduced by mutation events.
  • If you consider deletion as a special allelic state, you can simulate gene deletions without shrinking a chromosome. For example, a deletion mutation event can set the allelic state of one or more loci to 0, which can no longer be mutated.
  • Alleles in different individuals could be interpretted differently. For example, if you would like to simulate major chromosomal mutations such as inversion, you could use a super set of markers for different types of chromosomes and use an indicator (information field) to mark the type of chromosome and which markers are valid. Using virtual subpopulations, these individuals could be handled differently during mating.
  • In an implementation of an infinite-sites model, Individual loci are used to store mutation events. In this example (Example infiniteSites), 100 loci are allocated for each individual and they are used to store mutation events (location of a mutation) that happens in a 10Mb region. Whenever a mutation event happens, its location is stored as an allele of an individual. At the end of the evolution, each individual has a list of mutation events which can be readily translated to real alleles. Similar ideas could be used to simulate the accumulation of recombination events.

In summary, the exact meaning of loci and their alleles are user defined. With appropriate mutation model and mating scheme, it is even possible to simulate phenotypic traits using this mechanism, although it is more natual to use information fields for quatitative traits.

A genotypic structure can be retrieved from Individual and Population objects. Because a population consists of individuals of the same type, genotypic information can only be changed for all individuals at the population level. populations in a simulator usually have the same genotypic structure because they are created by as replicates, but their structure may change during evolution. Example genostructure demonstrates how to access genotypic structure functions at the population and individual levels. Note that lociPos determines the order at which loci are arranged on a chromosome. Loci positions and names will be rearranged if given lociPos is unordered.

Example: Genotypic structure functions

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[2, 3], ploidy=2, loci=[5, 10],
...     lociPos=list(range(0, 5)) + list(range(0, 20, 2)), chromNames=['Chr1', 'Chr2'],
...     alleleNames=['A', 'C', 'T', 'G'])
>>> # access genotypic information from the sim.Population
>>> pop.ploidy()
>>> pop.ploidyName()
>>> pop.numChrom()
>>> pop.locusPos(2)
>>> pop.alleleName(1)
>>> # access from an individual
>>> ind = pop.individual(2)
>>> ind.numLoci(1)
>>> ind.chromName(0)
>>> ind.locusName(1)
>>> # utility functions
>>> ind.chromBegin(1)
>>> ind.chromByName('Chr2')
>>> # loci pos can be unordered within each chromosome
>>> pop = sim.Population(loci=[2, 3], lociPos=[3, 1, 1, 3, 2],
...     lociNames=['loc%d' % x for x in range(5)])
>>> pop.lociPos()
(1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
>>> pop.lociNames()
('loc1', 'loc0', 'loc2', 'loc4', 'loc3')

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simuPOP does not assume any unit for loci positions. Depending on your application, it can be basepair (bp), kilo-basepair (kb), mega base pair (mb) or even using genetic-map distance such as centiMorgan. It is your responsibility to interpret and use loci positions properly. For example, recombination rate between two adjacent markers can be specified as the product between their physical distance and a recombination intensity. The scale of this intensity will vary by the unit assumed.


Names of loci, alleles and subpopulations are optional. Empty names will be used if they are not specified. Whereas locusName, subPopName and alleleName always return a value (empty string or specified value) for any locus, subpopulation or allele, respectively, lociNames, subPopNames and alleleNames only return specified values, which can be empty lists.

Haploid, diploid and haplodiploid populations

simuPOP is most widely used to study human (diploid) populations. A large number of mating schemes, operators and population statistics are designed around the evolution of such a population. simuPOP also supports haploid and haplodiploid populations although there are fewer choices of mating schemes and operators. simuPOP can also support other types of populations such as triploid and tetraploid populations, but these features are largely untested due to their limited usage. It is expected that supports for these populations would be enhanced over time with additional dedicated operators and functions.

For efficiency considerations, simuPOP saves the same numbers of homologous sets of chromosomes even if some individuals have different numbers of homologous sets in a population. For example, in a haplodiploid population, because male individuals have only one set of chromosomes, their second homologous set of chromosomes are unused, which are labeled as '_', as shown in Example haplodiploid.

Example: An example of haplodiploid population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[2,5], ploidy=sim.HAPLODIPLOID, loci=[3, 5])
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.3, 0.7])
>>> sim.dump(pop)
Ploidy: 2 (haplodiploid)
1:  (AUTOSOME, 3 loci)
   (1),  (2),  (3)
2:  (AUTOSOME, 5 loci)
   (1),  (2),  (3),  (4),  (5)
population size: 7 (2 subpopulations with 2, 5 Individuals)
Number of ancestral populations: 0

SubPopulation 0 (), 2 Individuals:
   0: MU 111 00001 | ___ _____
   1: MU 111 01110 | ___ _____
SubPopulation 1 (), 5 Individuals:
   2: MU 111 11110 | ___ _____
   3: MU 101 11111 | ___ _____
   4: MU 110 11111 | ___ _____
   5: MU 101 11101 | ___ _____
   6: MU 110 11001 | ___ _____

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Autosomes, sex chromosomes, mitochondrial, and other types of chromosomes *

The default chromosome type is autosome, which is the normal chromosomes in diploid, and in haploid populations. simuPOP supports four other types of chromosomes, namely chromosome X, chromosome Y, mitochondrial, and* customized* chromosome types. Sex chromosomes are only valid in haploid populations where chromosomes X and Y are used to determine the sex of an offspring. Mitochondrial DNAs can exists in haploid or diploid populations, and are inherited maternally. Customized chromosomes rely on user defined functions and operators to be passed from parents to offspring.

Example subPopName shows how to specify different chromosome types, and how genotypes of these special chromosomes are arranged.

Example: Different chromosome types

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=6, ploidy=2, loci=[3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 4, 4],
...     chromTypes=[sim.AUTOSOME]*2 + [sim.CHROMOSOME_X, sim.CHROMOSOME_Y, sim.MITOCHONDRIAL]
...         + [sim.CUSTOMIZED]*2)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.3, 0.7])
>>> sim.dump(pop, structure=False) # does not display genotypic structure information
SubPopulation 0 (), 6 Individuals:
   0: MU 111 000 011 __ 11 1111 1101 | 110 000 ___ 11 __ 1111 1011
   1: MU 111 111 101 __ 11 1110 1011 | 111 011 ___ 11 __ 1110 1011
   2: MU 110 101 011 __ 11 1011 0011 | 110 100 ___ 11 __ 1010 1111
   3: MU 010 011 111 __ 11 1111 1111 | 110 010 ___ 11 __ 1111 0111
   4: MU 101 000 111 __ 01 0111 0100 | 110 111 ___ 00 __ 0111 0001
   5: MU 111 010 111 __ 10 0111 1011 | 111 111 ___ 11 __ 0111 1011

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The evolution of sex chromosomes follow the following rules

  • There can be only one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. It is not allowed to have only one kind of sex chromosome.
  • The Y chromosome of female individuals are ignored. The second homologous copy of the X chromosome and the first copy of the Y chromosome are ignored for male individuals.
  • During mating, female parent pass one of her X chromosome to her offspring, male parent pass chromosome X or Y to his offspring. Recombination is allowed for the X chromosomes of females, but not allowed for males.
  • The sex of offspring is determined by the types of sex chromosomes he/she inherits, XX for female, and XY for male.

The evolution of mitochonrial DNAs follow the following rules

  • There can be only one copy of mitochondrial DNA, exists for both males and females.
  • In a non-haploid population where all chromosomes have multiple homologous copies, only the first copy is used for mitochondrial DNA.
  • mtDNAs are inherited maternally

Customized chromosomes are used to model more complex types of chromosomes. They rely on customized operators for inheritence. For example, if you would like to model multiple copies of mitochondrial DNAs (cytohets with multiple organellar chromosomes) in a cell, and the process of genetic drift of somatic cytoplasmic segregation of mtDNAs, you can use multiple customized chromosomes to model multiple cytohets (see section subsec_Pre_defined_genotype_transmitters for an Example). Figure fig_chromTypes depicts the possible chromosome structure of two diploid parents, and how offspring chromosomes are formed. It uses two customized chromosomes to model multiple copies of mitochondrial chromosomes that are passed randomly from mother to offspring. The second homologous copy of customized chromosomes are unused in this example.

Figure: Inheritance of different types of chromosomes in a diploid population


individuals in this population have five chromosomes, one autosome (A), one X chromosome (X), one Y chromosome (Y) and two customized chromosomes (C). The customized chromosomes model multiple copies of mitochondrial chromosomes that are passed randomly from mother to offspring. Y chromosomes for the female parent, the second copy of chromosome X and the first copy of chromosome Y for the male parent, and the second copy of customized chromosomes are unused (gray chromosome regions). A male offspring inherits one copy of autosome from his mother (with recombination), one copy of autosome from his father (with recombination), an X chromosome from his mother (with recombination), a Y chromosome from his father (without recombination), and two copies of the first customized chromosome.

Information fields

Different kinds of simulations require different kinds of individuals. individuals with only genotype information are sufficient to simulate the basic Wright-Fisher model. Sex is needed to simulate such a model in diploid populations with sex. individual fitness may be needed if selection is induced, and age may be needed if the population is age-structured. In addition, different types of quantitative traits or affection status may be needed to study the impact of genotype on Individual phenotype. Because it is infeasible to provide all such information to an individual, simuPOP keeps genotype, sex (MALE or FEMALE) and affection status as built-in properties of an individual, and all others as optional information fields (float numbers) attached to each individual.

Information fields can be specified when a population is created, or added later using population member functions. They are essential for proper operation of many simuPOP operators. For example, all selection operators require information field fitness to store evaluated fitness values for each individual. Operator Migrator uses information field migrate_to to store the ID of subpopulation an individual will migrate to. An error will be raised if these operators are applied to a population without needed information fields.

Example: Basic usage of information fields

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(10, loci=[20], ancGen=1,
...     infoFields=['father_idx', 'mother_idx'])
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[0]*20+[1]*20)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(
...         ops=[
...             sim.Recombinator(rates=0.01),
...             sim.ParentsTagger()
...         ]
...     ),
...     gen = 1
... )
>>> pop.indInfo('mother_idx')  # mother of all offspring
(9.0, 8.0, 8.0, 0.0, 8.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 7.0, 9.0)
>>> ind = pop.individual(0)
>>> mom = pop.ancestor(ind.mother_idx, 1)
>>> print(ind.genotype(0))
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> print(mom.genotype(0))
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>>> print(mom.genotype(1))
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

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Example basicInfoFields demonstrates the basic usage of information fields. In this example, a population with two information fields mother_idx and father_idx are created. Besides the present generation, this population keeps one ancestral generations (ancGen=1, see Section subsec_Ancestral_populations for details). After initializing each individual with two chromosomes with all zero and all one alleles respectively, the population evolves one generation, subject to recombination at rate 0.01. Parents of each individual are recorded, by operator ParentsTagger, to information fields mother_idx and father_idx of each offspring.

After evolution, the population is extracted from the simulator, and the values of information field mother_idx of all individuals are printed. The next several statements get the first Individual from the population, and his mother from the parental generation using the indexes stored in this individual’s information fields. Genotypes at the first homologous copy of this individual’s chromosome is printed, along with two parental chromosomes.

Information fields can only be added or removed at the population level because all individuals need to have the same set of fields. Values of information fields could be accessed at Individual or population levels, using functions such as, Individual.setInfo, population.indInfo, Population.setIndInfo. These functions will be introduced in their respective classes.


Information fields can be located both by names and by indexes**,** the former provides better readability at a slight cost of performance because these names have to be translated into indexes each time. However, use of names are recommended in most cases for readability considerations.