Statistics calculation (operator Stat)

How statistics calculation works

A Stat operator calculates specified statistics of a population when it is applied to this population. This operator can be applied to specified replicates (parameter rep) at specified generations (parameter begin, end, step, and at). This operator does not produce any output (ignore parameter output) after statistics are calculated. Instead, it stores results in the local namespace of the population being applied. Other operators can retrieve these variables or evalulate expression directly in this local namespace.

The Stat operator is usually used in conjunction with a PyEval or PyExec operator which execute Python statements and/or expressions in a population’s local namespace. For example, operators

ops = [
    PyEval("'%.2f' % alleleFreq[0][0]")

in the ops parameter of the Simulator.evolve function will be applied to populations during evolution. The first operator calculates allele frequency at the first locus and store the results in each population’s local namespace. The second operator formats and outputs one of the variables. Because of the flexiblity of the PyEval operator, you can output statistics, even simple derived statistics, in any format. For example, you can output expected heterozygosity () using calculated allele frequencies as follows:

PyEval("'H_exp=%.2f' % (1-sum([x*x for x in alleleFreq[0].values()]))")

Note that alleleFreq[0] is a dictionary.

You can also retrieve variables in a population directly using functions Population.vars() or Population.dvars(). The only difference between these functions is that vars returns a dictionary and dvars() returns a Python object that uses variable names as attributes (vars()['alleleFreq'] is equivalent to dvars.alleleFreq). This method is usually used when the function form of the Stat operator is used. For example,

stat(pop, alleleFreq=[0])
H_exp = 1 - sum([x*x for x in pop.dvars().alleleFreq[0].values()])

uses the stat function (note the capital S) to count frequencies of alleles for a given population and calculates expected heterozygosity using these variables.

defdict datatype

simuPOP uses dictionaries to save statistics such as allele frequencies. For example, alleleFreq[5] can be {0:0.2, 3:0.8} meaning there are 20% allele 0 and 80% allele 3 at locus 5 in a population. However, because it is sometimes unclear whether or not a particular allele exists in a population, alleleFreq[5][allele] can fail with a KeyError exception if alleleFreq[5] does not have key allele.

To address this problem, a special default dictionary type defdict is used for dictionaries with keys determined from a population. This derived dictionary type works just like a regular dictionay, but it returns 0, instead of raising a KeyError exception, when an invalid key is used. For example, subpopulations in Example defdictType have different alleles. Although pop.dvars(sp).alleleFreq[0] have only two keys for sp=0 or 1, pop.dvars(sp).alleleFreq[0][x] are used to print frequencies of alleles 0, 1 and 2.

Example: The defdict datatype

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([100]*2, loci=1)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0, 0.2, 0.8], subPops=0)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.2, 0.8], subPops=1)
>>> sim.stat(pop, alleleFreq=0, vars=['alleleFreq_sp'])
>>> for sp in range(2):
...     print('Subpop %d (with %d alleles): ' % (sp, len(pop.dvars(sp).alleleFreq[0])))
...     for a in range(3):
...         print('%.2f ' % pop.dvars(sp).alleleFreq[0][a])
Subpop 0 (with 2 alleles):
Subpop 1 (with 2 alleles):

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The standard collections module of Python has a defaultdict type that accepts a default factory function that will be used when an invalid key is encountered. The defdict type is similar to defaultdict(int) but with an important difference: when an invalid key is encountered, d[key] with a default value will be inserted to a defaultdict(int), but will not be inserted to a defdict. That is to say, it is safe to use alleleFreq[loc].keys() to get available alleles after non-assignment alleleFreq[loc][allele] operations.

Support for virtual subpopulations

The Stat operator supports parameter subPops and can calculate statistics in specified subpopulations. For example

Stat(alleleFreq=[0], subPops=[(0, 0), (1, 0)])

will calculate the frequencies of alleles at locus 0, among Individuals in two virtual subpopulations. If the virtual subpopulation is defined by sex (using a SexSplitter), the above operator will calculate allele frequency among all males in the first and second subpopulations (not separately!). If subPops is not specified, allele frequency of the whole population (all subpopulations) will be calculated.

Although many statistics could be calculated and outputted, the Stat operator by default outputs a selected number of variables for each statisic calculated. Other statistics could be calculated and outputted if their names are specified in parameter vars. Variable names ending with _sp is interpreted as variables that will be calculated and outputted in all or specified (virtual) subpopulations. For example, parameter vars in

Stat(alleleFreq=[0], subPops=[0, (1, 0)], vars=['alleleFreq_sp', 'alleleNum_sp'])

tells this operator to output numbers and frequencies of alleles at locus 0 in subpopulation 0 and virtual subpopulation (1,0). These variables will be saved in dictionaries subPop[sp] of the local namespace. For example, the above operator will write variables such as subPop[0]['alleleFreq'], subPop[(1,0)]['alleleFreq'] and subPop[(1,0)]['alleleNum']. Functions Population.vars(sp) and Population.dvars(sp) are provided as shortcuts to access these variables but the full variable names have to be specified if these variables are used in expressions.

By default, the same variables will be set for a statistic, regardless of the values of the loci and subPops parameter. This can be a problem if multiple Stat operators are used to calculate the same statistics for different sets of loci (e.g. for each chromosome) or subpopulations. To avoid name conflict, you can use parameter suffix to add a suffix to all variables outputted by a Stat operator. For example, Example statSuffix uses 4 Stat operators to calculate overall and pairwise values for three subpopulations. Different suffixes are used for pairwise estimators so that variables set by these operators will not override each other.

Example: Add suffixes to variables set by multiple Stat operators

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([5000]*3, loci=5)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(structure=range(5), subPops=(0, 1), suffix='_01', step=40),
...         sim.Stat(structure=range(5), subPops=(1, 2), suffix='_12', step=40),
...         sim.Stat(structure=range(5), subPops=(0, 2), suffix='_02', step=40),
...         sim.Stat(structure=range(5), step=40),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Fst=%.3f (pairwise: %.3f %.3f %.3f)\n' % (F_st, F_st_01, F_st_12, F_st_02)",
...             step=40),
...     ],
...     gen = 200
... )
Fst=0.000 (pairwise: 0.000 0.000 0.000)
Fst=0.004 (pairwise: 0.006 0.003 0.004)
Fst=0.012 (pairwise: 0.017 0.015 0.004)
Fst=0.008 (pairwise: 0.012 0.010 0.001)
Fst=0.008 (pairwise: 0.007 0.009 0.007)

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The Stat opeartor accepts overlapping or even duplicate virtual subpopulations. During the calculation of summary statistics, these subpopulations are treated as separate subpopulations so some individuals can be counted more than once. For example, individuals in virtual subpopulation (0, 1) will be counted twice during the calculation of allele frequency and population size in operator

Stat(alleleFreq=[0], popSize=True, subPops=[0, (0, 1)])

Counting individuals by sex and affection status

Parameters popSize, numOfMales and numOfAffected provide basic Individual counting statistics. They count the number of all, male/female, affected/unaffected individuals in all or specified (virtual) subpopulations, and set variables such as popSize, numOfMales, numOfFemales, numOfAffected, numOfUnaffected. Proportions and statistics for subpopulations are available if variables such as propOfMales, numOfAffected_sp are specified in parameter vars. Another variable subPopSize is defined for parameter popSize=True. It is a list of sizes of all or specified subpopulations and is easier to use than referring to variable popSize from individual subpopulations.

Example statCount demonstrates how to use these parameters in operator Stat. It defines four VSPs by sex and affection status (using a stackedSplitter) and count individuals by sex and affection status. It is worth noting that pop.dvars().popSize in the first example is the total number of individuals in two virtual subpopulations (0,0) and (0,2), which are all male indiviudals, and all unaffected individuals. Because these two VSPs overlap, this variable can be larger than actual population size.

Example: Count individuals by sex and/or affection status

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(10000, loci=1)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.CombinedSplitter(
...     [sim.SexSplitter(), sim.AffectionSplitter()]))
>>> sim.initSex(pop)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.2, 0.8])
>>> sim.maPenetrance(pop, loci=0, penetrance=[0.1, 0.2, 0.5])
>>> # Count sim.population size
>>> sim.stat(pop, popSize=True, subPops=[(0, 0), (0, 2)])
>>> # popSize is the size of two VSPs, does not equal to total sim.population size.
>>> # Because two VSPs overlap (all males and all unaffected), popSize can be
>>> # greater than real sim.population size.
>>> print(pop.dvars().subPopSize, pop.dvars().popSize)
[5052, 6080] 11132
>>> # print popSize of each virtual subpopulation.
>>> sim.stat(pop, popSize=True, subPops=[(0, 0), (0, 2)], vars='popSize_sp')
>>> # Note the two ways to access variable in (virtual) subpopulations.
>>> print(pop.dvars((0,0)).popSize, pop.dvars().subPop[(0,2)]['popSize'])
5052 6080
>>> # Count number of male (should be the same as the size of VSP (0,0).
>>> sim.stat(pop, numOfMales=True)
>>> print(pop.dvars().numOfMales)
>>> # Count the number of affected and unaffected male individual
>>> sim.stat(pop, numOfMales=True, subPops=[(0, 2), (0, 3)], vars='numOfMales_sp')
>>> print(pop.dvars((0,2)).numOfMales, pop.dvars((0,3)).numOfMales)
3056 1996
>>> # or number of affected male and females
>>> sim.stat(pop, numOfAffected=True, subPops=[(0, 0), (0, 1)], vars='numOfAffected_sp')
>>> print(pop.dvars((0,0)).numOfAffected, pop.dvars((0,1)).numOfAffected)
1996 1924
>>> # These can also be done using a sim.ProductSplitter...
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.ProductSplitter(
...     [sim.SexSplitter(), sim.AffectionSplitter()]))
>>> sim.stat(pop, popSize=True, subPops=[(0, x) for x in range(4)])
>>> # counts for male unaffected, male affected, female unaffected and female affected
>>> print(pop.dvars().subPopSize)
[3056, 1996, 3024, 1924]

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Number of segregating and fixed sites

Parameter numOfSegSites counts the number of segregating sites for specified or all loci, for all individuals or individuals in specified (virtual) subpopulations. It can also be used to count the number of fixed sites . This parameter sets variables numOfSegSites and numOfFixedSites. Here we defined fixed sites as loci with only one non-zero allele (e.g. fixed to a non- zero allele). Other numbers, such as all loci with only one allele (including zero), or loci with all wildtype alleles (only zero), can be derived from these two counts. Starting from version 1.1.3, variables segSites and fixedSites can be used to return a list of segregating and fixed sites.

For example, Example numSegSites demonstrates how to use this operator to calculate the number of segregating sites (sites with alleles 0 and 1), number of fixed sites (sites with only allele 1), and number of loci with only wildtype alleles (loci with only allele 0). As you can see, the population starts with 100 segregating sites. During evolution, alleles at some loci get lost and some get fixed, and there should be no segregating site if we evolve the population for long enough.

Example: Count number of segregating and fixed sites

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=[1]*100)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.3, 0.7]),
...         sim.PyOutput('#all 0\t#seg sites\t#all 1\n'),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(numOfSegSites=sim.ALL_AVAIL,
...             vars=['numOfSegSites', 'numOfFixedSites']),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"%d\t%d\t%d\n" % (100-numOfSegSites-numOfFixedSites,'
...             'numOfSegSites, numOfFixedSites)',
...             step=50)
...         ],
...     gen=500
... )
#all 0       #seg sites      #all 1
0    100     0
0    93      7
3    76      21
7    55      38
12   40      48
17   31      52
19   23      58
22   19      59
26   14      60
28   10      62
>>> # output a list of segregating sites
>>> sim.stat(pop, numOfSegSites=sim.ALL_AVAIL, vars='segSites')
>>> print(pop.dvars().segSites)
[11, 15, 20, 32, 39, 43, 44, 51, 86, 95]

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Allele count and frequency

Parameter alleleFreq accepts a list of markers at which allele frequencies in all or specified (virtual) subpopulations will be calculated. This statistic sets variables alleleFreq[loc][allele] and alleleNum[loc][allele] which are frequencies and numbers of allele allele at locus loc, respectively. If variables alleleFreq_sp and alleleNum_sp are specified in parameter vars, these variables will be set for all or specified (virtual) subpopulations. At the Python level, these variables are dictionaries of default dictionaries. That is to say, alleleFreq[loc] at a unspecified locus will raise a KeyError exception, and alleleFreq[loc][allele] of an invalid allele will return 0.

Example statAlleleFreq demonstrates an advanced usage of allele counting statistic. In this example, two virtual subpopulations are defined by individual affection status. During evolution, a multi-allele penetrance operator is used to determine individual affection status and a Stat operator is used to calculate allele frequencies in these two virtual subpopulations, and in the whole population. Because the simulated disease is largely caused by the existence of allele 1 at the first locus, it is expected that the frequency of allele 1 is higher in the case group than in the control group. It is worth noting that alleleFreq[0][1] in this example is the frequency of allele 1 in the whole population because these two virtual subpopulations add up to the whole population.

Example: Calculate allele frequency in affected and unaffected individuals

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(10000, loci=1)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.AffectionSplitter())
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(loci=0, freq=[0.8, 0.2])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.MaPenetrance(penetrance=[0.1, 0.4, 0.6], loci=0),
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, subPops=[(0, 0), (0, 1)],
...             vars=['alleleFreq', 'alleleFreq_sp']),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Gen: %d, freq: %.2f, freq (aff): %.2f, freq (unaff): %.2f\n' % " + \
...             "(gen, alleleFreq[0][1], subPop[(0,1)]['alleleFreq'][0][1]," + \
...             "subPop[(0,0)]['alleleFreq'][0][1])"),
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
Gen: 0, freq: 0.20, freq (aff): 0.41, freq (unaff): 0.14
Gen: 1, freq: 0.20, freq (aff): 0.40, freq (unaff): 0.14
Gen: 2, freq: 0.20, freq (aff): 0.41, freq (unaff): 0.14
Gen: 3, freq: 0.20, freq (aff): 0.41, freq (unaff): 0.14
Gen: 4, freq: 0.19, freq (aff): 0.41, freq (unaff): 0.14

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Genotype count and frequency

Parameter genoFreq accepts a list of loci at which genotype counts and frequencies are calculated and outputted. A genotype is represented as a tuple of alleles at a locus. The length of the tupples** **is determined by the number of homologous copy of chromosomes in a population. For example, genotypes in a diploid population are ordered pairs such as (1, 2) where 1 and 2 are alleles at a locus on, respectively, the first and second homologous copies of chromosomes. (1, 2) and (2, 1) are different genotypes. This statistic sets dictionaries (with locus indexes as keys) of default dictionaries (with genotypes as keys) genoFreq and genoNum.

Example statGenoFreq creates a small population and initializes a locus with rare alleles 0, 1 and a common allele 2. A function stat (the function form of operator Stat) is used to count the available genotypes. Note that pop.dvars().genoFreq[0][(i,j)] can be used to print frequencies of all genotypes even when not all genotypes are available in the population.

Example: Counting genotypes in a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=[1, 1, 1], lociNames=['A', 'X', 'Y'],
...     chromTypes=[sim.AUTOSOME, sim.CHROMOSOME_X, sim.CHROMOSOME_Y])
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.01, 0.05, 0.94])
>>> sim.stat(pop, genoFreq=['A', 'X']) # both loci indexes and names can be used.
>>> print('Available genotypes on autosome:', list(pop.dvars().genoFreq[0].keys()))
Available genotypes on autosome: [(0, 2), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)]
>>> for i in range(3):
...     for j in range(3):
...         print('%d-%d: %.3f' % (i, j, pop.dvars().genoFreq[0][(i,j)]))
0-0: 0.000
0-1: 0.000
0-2: 0.020
1-0: 0.000
1-1: 0.030
1-2: 0.070
2-0: 0.010
2-1: 0.040
2-2: 0.830
>>> print('Genotype frequency on chromosome X:\n', \
...     '\n'.join(['%s: %.3f' % (x,y) for x,y in pop.dvars().genoFreq[1].items()]))
Genotype frequency on chromosome X:
 (0,): 0.020
(1,): 0.030
(2,): 0.950

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Homozygote and heterozygote count and frequency

In a diploid population, a heterozygote is a genotype with two different alleles and a homozygote is a genotype with two identical alleles. Parameter heteroFreq accepts a list of loci and outputs variables heteroFreq which is a dictionary of heterozygote frequencies at specfied loci. Optional variables heteroNum, homoFreq and homoNum can be outputted for all and each (virtual) subpopulations. Example statHeteroFreq demonstrates the decay of heterozygosity of a locus due to genetic drift.

Example: Counting homozygotes and heterozygotes in a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=1)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(heteroFreq=0, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Gen: %d, HeteroFreq: %.2f\n' % (gen, heteroFreq[0])", step=20)
...     ],
...     gen = 100
... )
Gen: 0, HeteroFreq: 0.45
Gen: 20, HeteroFreq: 0.44
Gen: 40, HeteroFreq: 0.55
Gen: 60, HeteroFreq: 0.46
Gen: 80, HeteroFreq: 0.40

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Haplotype count and frequency

Haplotypes refer to alleles on the same homologous copy of a chromosome at specified loci. For example, an diploid individual can have haplotypes (0, 2, 1) and (0, 1, 1) at loci (2, 3, 5) if he or she has genotype (0, 0), (2, 1) and (1,1) at loci 2, 3 and 5 respectively. Parameter haploFreq accept one or more lists of loci specifying one or more haplotype sites (e.g. haploFreq=[(0,1,2), (2,3)] specifies two haplotype sites). The results are saved to dictionaries (with haplotype site as keys) of default dictionaries (with haplotype as keys). For example, haploFreq[(0,1,2)][(0,1,1)] will be the frequency of haplotype (0, 1, 1) at loci (0, 1, 2). Example statHaploFreq prints the numbers of genotypes and haplotypes at loci 0, 1 and 2 of a small population. Note that the viewVars function defined in module simuUtil can make use of a wxPython window to view all variables if it is called in GUI mode.

Example: Counting haplotypes in a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from simuPOP.utils import viewVars
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=3)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.2, 0.4, 0.4], loci=0)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.2, 0.8], loci=2)
>>> sim.stat(pop, genoFreq=[0, 1, 2], haploFreq=[0, 1, 2],
...     vars=['genoNum', 'haploFreq'])
>>> viewVars(pop.vars(), gui=False)
{'genoNum': {0: {(0, 0): 3.0,
                 (0, 1): 7.0,
                 (0, 2): 5.0,
                 (1, 0): 9.0,
                 (1, 1): 14.0,
                 (1, 2): 16.0,
                 (2, 0): 8.0,
                 (2, 1): 14.0,
                 (2, 2): 24.0},
             1: defdict({(0, 0): 100.0}),
             2: {(0, 0): 4.0,
                 (0, 1): 19.0,
                 (1, 0): 15.0,
                 (1, 1): 62.0}},
 'haploFreq': {(0, 1, 2): {(0, 0, 0): 0.03,
                           (0, 0, 1): 0.145,
                           (1, 0, 0): 0.055,
                           (1, 0, 1): 0.315,
                           (2, 0, 0): 0.125,
                           (2, 0, 1): 0.33}}}

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haploFreq does not check if loci in a haplotype site belong to the same chromosome, or if loci are duplicated or in order. It faithfully assemble alleles at specified loci as haplotypes although these haplotypes might not be biologically meaningful.


Counting a large number of haplotypes on long haplotype sites may exhaust the RAM of your computer.

Summary statistics of information fields

Parameter sumOfInfo, meanOfInfo, varOfInfo, maxOfInfo and minOfInfo are used to calculate the sum, mean, sample variance (), max and min of specified information fields of individuals in all or specified (virtual) subpopulations. The results are saved in dictionaries sumOfInfo, meanOfInfo, varOfInfo, maxOfInfo and minOfInfo with information fields as keys. For example, parameter meanOfInfo='age' calculates the mean age of all individuals and set variable meanOfInfo['age'].

Example statInfo demonstrates a mixing process of two populations. The population starts with two types of individuals with ancestry values 0 or 1 (information field anc). During the evolution, parents mate randomly and the ancestry of offspring is the mean of parental ancestry values. A Stat operator is used to calculate the mean and variance of individual ancestry values, and the number of individuals in five ancestry groups. It is not surprising that whereas population mean ancestry does not change, more and more people have about the same number of ancestors from each group and have an ancestry value around 0.5. The variance of ancestry values therefore decreases gradually.

Example: Calculate summary statistics of information fields

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population([500], infoFields='anc')
>>> # Defines VSP 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 by anc.
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.InfoSplitter('anc', cutoff=[0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]))
>>> #
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         # anc is 0 or 1
...         sim.InitInfo(lambda : random.randint(0, 1), infoFields='anc')
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops=[
...         sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
...         sim.InheritTagger(mode=sim.MEAN, infoFields='anc')
...     ]),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(popSize=True, meanOfInfo='anc', varOfInfo='anc',
...             subPops=[(0, sim.ALL_AVAIL)]),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Anc: %.2f (%.2f), #inds: %s\n' %" + \
...             "(meanOfInfo['anc'], varOfInfo['anc'], " + \
...             "', '.join(['%4d' % x for x in subPopSize]))")
...     ],
...     gen = 5,
... )
Anc: 0.51 (0.12), #inds:  118,    0,  251,    0,  131
Anc: 0.51 (0.06), #inds:   27,  121,  190,  137,   25
Anc: 0.52 (0.03), #inds:   14,  143,  138,  181,   24
Anc: 0.52 (0.02), #inds:    4,   85,  267,  137,    7
Anc: 0.52 (0.01), #inds:    0,   40,  385,   75,    0

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Linkage disequilibrium

Parameter LD accepts a list of loci-pairs (e.g. LD=[(0,1),(2,3)]) with optional primary alleles at two loci (e.g. LD=[(0,1,0,0),(2,3)]). For each pair of loci, this operator calculates linkage disequilibrium and optional association measures between them.

Assuming that two loci are both diallelic, one with alleles and , and the other with alleles and . If we denote , as allele and haplotype frequencies for allele and haplotype , respectively, the linkage disequilibrium measures with respect to primaries alleles A and B are

  • Basic LD measure :

    D ranges from -0.25 to 0.25. The sign depends on the choice of alleles (A and B) at two loci.

  • Lewontin’s where

    D’ ranges from -1 to 1. The sign depends on the choice of alleles (A and B) at two loci.

  • ( in Devlin1995)

If one or both loci have more than 2 alleles, or if no primary allele is specified, the LD measures are calculated as follows:

  • If primary alleles are specified, all other alleles are considered as minor alleles with combined frequency (e.g. ). The same formulas apply which lead to signed and measures.

  • If primary alleles are not specified, these LD measures are calculated as the average of the absolute value of diallelic measures of all allele pairs. For example, the multi-allele version of is

    where and iterate through all alleles at the two loci. In the diallelic case, LD measures will be the absolute value of the single measures because and only differ by signs.

In another word,

  • LD=[loc1, loc2] will yield positive and measures.
  • LD=[loc1, loc2, allele1, allele2] will yield signed and measures.
  • In the diallelic case, both cases yield identical results except for signs of and .
  • In the multi-allelic case, the results can be different because LD=[loc1, loc2, allele1, allele2] combines non-primary alleles and gives a single diallelic measure.


A large number of linkage disequilibrium measures have been used in different disciplines but not all of them are well-accepted. Requests of adding a particular LD measure will be considered when a reliable reference is provided.

Association tests between specified loci could also be calculated using a by table of haplotype frequencies. If primary alleles are specified, non-primary alleles are combined to form a 2 by 2 table (). Otherwise, and are respective numbers of alleles at two loci.

  • and its -value (variable LD_ChiSq and LD_ChiSq_p, respectively). A one-side test with degrees of freedom will be used.

  • Cramer V statistic (variable CramerV):

    where equals the total number of haplotypes ( for autosomes in diploid populations).

This statistic sets variables LD, LD_prime, R2, and optionally ChiSq, ChiSq_p and CramerV. SubPopulation specific variables can be calculated by specifying variables such as LD_sp and R2_sp. Example statLD demonstrates how to calculate various LD measures and output selected variables. Note that the significant overall LD between two loci is an artifact of population structure because loci are in linkage equilibrium in each subpopulation.

Example: Linkage disequilibrium measures

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([1000]*2, loci=3)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.2, 0.8], subPops=0)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.8, 0.2], subPops=1)
>>> sim.stat(pop, LD=[[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2]],
...     vars=['LD', 'LD_prime', 'R2', 'LD_ChiSq', 'LD_ChiSq_p', 'CramerV',
...         'LD_prime_sp', 'LD_ChiSq_p_sp'])
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(pop.vars())
{'CramerV': {0: defdict({1: 0.3355834766347789}),
             1: defdict({2: 0.39144946095755695})},
 'LD': {0: defdict({1: 0.08387987499999999}),
        1: defdict({2: 0.09783043749999992})},
 'LD_ChiSq': {0: defdict({1: 450.4650791611408}),
              1: defdict({2: 612.9307219358476})},
 'LD_ChiSq_p': {0: defdict({1: 0.0}), 1: defdict({2: 0.0})},
 'LD_prime': {0: defdict({1: 0.3425347836362625}),
              1: defdict({2: 0.4057999832524774})},
 'R2': {0: defdict({1: 0.1126162697902852}),
        1: defdict({2: 0.15323268048396166})},
 'subPop': {0: {'LD_ChiSq_p': {0: defdict({1: 0.03843990070970382}),
                               1: defdict({2: 0.5110492462003573})},
                'LD_prime': {0: defdict({1: -0.17661111690962444}),
                             1: defdict({2: 0.016760924318107204})}},
            1: {'LD_ChiSq_p': {0: defdict({1: 0.8024214035646771}),
                               1: defdict({2: 0.11685510935577492})},
                'LD_prime': {0: defdict({1: -0.02259456714902688}),
                             1: defdict({2: 0.035632559660018596})}}}}

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Genetic association

Genetic association refers to association between individual genotype (alleles or genotype) and phenotype (affection status). There are a large number of statistics tests based on different study designs (e.g. case-control, Pedigree, longitudinal) with different covariate variables. Although specialized software applications should be used for sophisticated statistical analysis, simuPOP provides a number of simple genetic association tests for convenience. These tests

  • Are single-locus tests that test specified loci separately.
  • Are based on individual affection status. Associations between genotype and quantitative traits are currently unsupported.
  • Apply to all individuals in specified (virtual) subpopulations. Because a population usually has much more unaffected individuals than affected ones, it is a common practice to draw certain types of samples (e.g. a case-control sample with the same number of cases and controls) before statistical tests are applied.

simuPOP currently supports the following tests:

  • Allele-based Chi-square test: This is the basic allele-based test that can be applied to diploid as well as haploid populations. Basically, a 2 by contigency table is set up for each locus with being the number of alleles in cases and controls . A test is applied to each locus and set variables Allele_ChiSq and Allele_ChiSq_p to the statistic and its two-sided value (with degrees freedom ). Note that genotype information is not preserved in such a test.
  • Genotype-based Chi-square test: This is the genotype-based test for diploid populations. Basically, a 2 by contigency table is set up for each locus with being the number of genotype (unordered pairs of alleles) in cases and controls . A test is applied to each locus and set variables Geno_ChiSq and Geno_ChiSq_p to the statistic and its two-sided value (with degrees freedom ). This test is usually applied to diallelic loci with 3 genotypes (AA, Aa and aa) but it can be applied to loci with more than two alleles as well.
  • Genotype-based trend test: This Cochran-Armitage test can only be applied to diallelic loci in diploid populations. For each locus, a 2 by 3 contigency table is set up with being the number of genotype (AA, Aa and aa with A being the wildtype allele) in cases and controls . A Cochran- Armitage trend test is applied to each locus and set variables Armitage_p to its two-sided value.

Example statAssociation demonstrates how to apply a penetrance model, draw a case-control sample and apply genetic association tests to an evolving population. In this example, a penetrance model is applied to a locus (locus 3). A Python operator is then used to draw a case-control sample from the population and test genetic association at two surrounding loci. Because these two loci are tightly linked to the disease predisposing locus, they are in strong association with the disease initially. However, because of recombination, such association decays with time at rates depending on their genetic distances to the disease predisposing locus.

Example: Genetic association tests

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from simuPOP.utils import *
>>> from simuPOP.sampling import drawCaseControlSample
>>> def assoTest(pop):
...     'Draw case-control sample and apply association tests'
...     sample = drawCaseControlSample(pop, cases=500, controls=500)
...     sim.stat(sample, association=(0, 2), vars=['Allele_ChiSq_p', 'Geno_ChiSq_p', 'Armitage_p'])
...     print('Allele test: %.2e, %.2e, Geno test: %.2e, %.2e, Trend test: %.2e, %.2e' \
...         % (sample.dvars().Allele_ChiSq_p[0], sample.dvars().Allele_ChiSq_p[2],
...         sample.dvars().Geno_ChiSq_p[0], sample.dvars().Geno_ChiSq_p[2],
...         sample.dvars().Armitage_p[0], sample.dvars().Armitage_p[2]))
...     return True
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=100000, loci=3)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.ProportionSplitter([0.5, 0.5]))
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[0]*3, subPops=[(0,0)]),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[1]*3, subPops=[(0,1)]),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops=sim.Recombinator(loci=[0, 1], rates=[0.01, 0.005])),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.MaPenetrance(loci=1, penetrance=[0.1, 0.2, 0.4]),
...         sim.PyOperator(func=assoTest, step=20),
...     ],
...     gen = 100
... )
Allele test: 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, Geno test: 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00, Trend test: 0.00e+00, 0.00e+00
Allele test: 1.14e-13, 4.44e-16, Geno test: 3.09e-13, 2.66e-15, Trend test: 7.66e-14, 2.22e-16
Allele test: 1.71e-08, 8.55e-15, Geno test: 4.95e-08, 3.45e-13, Trend test: 1.62e-08, 7.36e-14
Allele test: 8.57e-09, 7.99e-15, Geno test: 3.09e-08, 2.18e-14, Trend test: 7.05e-09, 2.66e-15
Allele test: 3.12e-06, 9.05e-09, Geno test: 5.95e-06, 8.83e-08, Trend test: 2.12e-06, 1.26e-08

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population structure

Parameter structure measures the structure of a population using the following statistics:

  • The statistic developed by Nei Nei1973. This statistic is equivalent to Wright’s fixation index in the diallelic case so it can be considered as the multi-allele and multi-locus extension of Wright’s . It assumes known genotype frequency so it can be used to calculate true of a population when all genotype information is available. This statistic sets a dictionary of locus level (variable g_st) and a summary statistics for all loci (variable G_st).
  • Wright’s fixation index calculated using an algorithm developed by Weir1984. This statistic considers existing populations as random samples from an infinite pool of populations with the same ancestral population so it is best to be applied to random samples where true genotype frequencies are unknown. This statistic sets dictionaries of locus level , and (variables f_st, f_is and f_it), and summary statistics for all loci (variables F_st, F_is and F_it) . When hetergozygote count is unavailable (non-diploid population, loci on sex chromosomes and mitochondrial chromosomes), simuPOP uses expected heterozygosity to estimate this quantity.

These statistics by default uses all existing subpopulations, but it can also be applied to a subset of subpopulations, or even virtual subpopulations using parameter subPops. That is to say, you can measure the genetic difference between males and females using subPops=[(0,0), (0,1)] if a SexSplitter is used to define two virtual subpopulations with male and female individuals respectively.

Example statStructure demonstrate a simulation with two replicates. In the first replicate, three subpopulations evolve separately without migration and become more and more genetically distinct. In the second replicate, a low level migration is applied between subpopulations so the population structure is kept at a low level.

Example: Measure of population structure

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from simuPOP.utils import migrIslandRates
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(sim.Population([5000]*3, loci=10, infoFields='migrate_to'),
...     rep=2)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     preOps=sim.Migrator(rate=migrIslandRates(0.01, 3), reps=1),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(structure=range(10), step=40),
...         sim.PyEval("'Fst=%.3f (rep=%d without migration) ' % (F_st, rep)", step=40, reps=0),
...         sim.PyEval("'Fst=%.3f (rep=%d with migration) ' % (F_st, rep)", step=40, reps=1),
...         sim.PyOutput('\n', reps=-1, step=40)
...     ],
...     gen = 200
... )
Fst=0.000 (rep=0 without migration) Fst=0.000 (rep=1 with migration)
Fst=0.003 (rep=0 without migration) Fst=0.002 (rep=1 with migration)
Fst=0.006 (rep=0 without migration) Fst=0.002 (rep=1 with migration)
Fst=0.008 (rep=0 without migration) Fst=0.003 (rep=1 with migration)
Fst=0.010 (rep=0 without migration) Fst=0.001 (rep=1 with migration)
(200, 200)

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Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test

Parameter HWE accepts a list of loci at which exact Hardy Weinberg equilibrium tests are applied. The p-values of the tests are assigned to a dictionary HWE. Example statHWE demonstrates how Hardy Weinberg equilibrium is reached in one generation.

Example: Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium test

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([1000], loci=1)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.ProportionSplitter([0.4, 0.4, 0.2]))
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[0,0], subPops=[(0,0)]),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[0,1], subPops=[(0,1)]),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[1,1], subPops=[(0,2)]),
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(HWE=0, genoFreq=0),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"HWE p-value: %.5f (AA: %.2f, Aa: %.2f, aa: %.2f)\n" % (HWE[0], '
...             'genoFreq[0][(0,0)], genoFreq[0][(0,1)] + genoFreq[0][(1,0)], genoFreq[0][(1,1)])'),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(HWE=0, genoFreq=0),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"HWE p-value: %.5f (AA: %.2f, Aa: %.2f, aa: %.2f)\n" % (HWE[0], '
...             'genoFreq[0][(0,0)], genoFreq[0][(0,1)] + genoFreq[0][(1,0)], genoFreq[0][(1,1)])'),
...     ],
...     gen = 1
... )
HWE p-value: 0.00000 (AA: 0.40, Aa: 0.40, aa: 0.20)
HWE p-value: 0.93636 (AA: 0.38, Aa: 0.48, aa: 0.15)

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Measure of Inbreeding

Inbreeding coefficient at a generation is defined as the probability that the two alleles in a given individual are identical by decent (IBD). Although it is usually very difficult to estimate this quantity, it is easy to observe it directly during evolution if the ancestors of alleles are tracked. This can be done using the lineage module of simuPOP where allelic lineage is tracked during evolution. For example, Example statIBD output the frequency of IBD loci in a population of size 500. It also outputs the frequency of IBS (Identical by State), which should always be larger than IBD frequency, and theoretical estimate of the decay of inbreeding coefficient.

Example: Frequency of IBD as a measure of inbreeding coefficient

>>> import simuOpt
>>> simuOpt.setOptions(alleleType='lineage')
>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([500], loci=[1]*100)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitLineage(),
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.2]*5),
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(inbreeding=sim.ALL_AVAIL, popSize=True, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"gen %d: IBD freq %.4f, IBS freq %.4f, est: %.4f\n" % '
...             '(gen, sum(IBD_freq.values()) /len(IBD_freq), '
...             ' sum(IBS_freq.values()) /len(IBS_freq), '
...             ' 1 - (1-1/(2.*popSize))**gen)', step=10)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     gen = 100
... )
gen 0: IBD freq 0.0000, IBS freq 0.1994, est: 0.0000
gen 10: IBD freq 0.0084, IBS freq 0.2072, est: 0.0100
gen 20: IBD freq 0.0167, IBS freq 0.2142, est: 0.0198
gen 30: IBD freq 0.0266, IBS freq 0.2204, est: 0.0296
gen 40: IBD freq 0.0380, IBS freq 0.2292, est: 0.0392
gen 50: IBD freq 0.0486, IBS freq 0.2383, est: 0.0488
gen 60: IBD freq 0.0577, IBS freq 0.2457, est: 0.0583
gen 70: IBD freq 0.0689, IBS freq 0.2566, est: 0.0676
gen 80: IBD freq 0.0782, IBS freq 0.2616, est: 0.0769
gen 90: IBD freq 0.0887, IBS freq 0.2638, est: 0.0861

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Effective population size

Effective population size is an important, yet complicated concept in population genetics. Simply put, the effective population size is determined by a mating scheme, namely how parents are selected and how offsprings are generated. In the context of forward-time simulation, if we populate an offspring population from a parental population, a true effective population size can be calculated, under certain assumptions, as

where and are the mean and variance of the number of gametes each parent transmits to the offspring generation. Naturally, the number of sex chromosomes transmitted will be different for males and females. This effective size is independent of genotypes and is called the demographic effective size.

Because the calculation of demographic effective size needs to track which alleles are transmitted from parental to offspring population, it has to collect information from both parental and offspring populations, and can only be calculated using the lineage modules of simuPOP. As shown in Example statNeDemographic, a Stat operator is applied before mating to mark lineage of alleles of each locus with an individual index, and save the IDs of parents in a variable Ne_demo_base. After mating, another Stat operator is used to count how many alleles each parent has contributed to the offspring generation, and calculate demographic effective size accordingly. This example uses three virtual subpopulations, a whole subpopulation, all male individuals, and all female individuals, and calculated effective size for loci on an autosome, an X chromosome, and a Y chromosome. As we can imagine, the effective size is 0 at the Y chromosome for all females, because no such chromsome is transmitted from the parental population.

Example: Demographic effective population size

>>> import simuOpt
>>> simuOpt.setOptions(alleleType='lineage', quiet=True)
>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([2000], loci=[1]*3,
...     chromTypes=[sim.AUTOSOME, sim.CHROMOSOME_X, sim.CHROMOSOME_Y])
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.SexSplitter())
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.3, 0.7]),
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=range(3), subPops=[0, (0,0), (0,1)],
...             vars='Ne_demo_base_sp'),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=range(3), subPops=[0, (0,0), (0,1)],
...             vars='Ne_demo_sp'),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"Demographic Ne: %.1f (auto), %.1f (X), %.1f (Y), '
...             r'Males: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, Females: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f\n"'
...             '% tuple([subPop[0]["Ne_demo"][x] for x in (0, 1, 2)] + '
...             '[subPop[(0,0)]["Ne_demo"][x] for x in (0, 1, 2)] + '
...             '[subPop[(0,1)]["Ne_demo"][x] for x in (0, 1, 2)])')
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
Demographic Ne: 2021.2 (auto), 1808.8 (X), 1056.1 (Y), Males: 1038.4, 1049.4, 1056.1, Females: 983.8, 983.8, nan
Demographic Ne: 2024.8 (auto), 1886.4 (X), 918.2 (Y), Males: 965.7, 1014.2, 918.2, Females: 1063.3, 1063.3, nan
Demographic Ne: 2048.7 (auto), 1858.5 (X), 969.2 (Y), Males: 1023.0, 1037.4, 969.2, Females: 1025.1, 1025.1, nan
Demographic Ne: 1955.0 (auto), 1790.6 (X), 956.8 (Y), Males: 958.8, 985.2, 956.8, Females: 996.5, 996.5, nan
Demographic Ne: 2000.5 (auto), 1811.7 (X), 955.1 (Y), Males: 983.8, 966.2, 955.1, Females: 1016.8, 1016.8, nan

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Effective population sizes could also be estimated from genotypes because changes of genotypes reflects properties of the mating scheme. However, it is important to realize that evolving a population for one generation is only one realization of many possible realizations of the same mating scheme (effective size). If we consider the demographic effective size as the average effective size of all realizations, estimating effective size from genotypes will be inaccurate unless a large number of unlinked loci are used. The temporal methods essentially try to get better estimate by averaging such realizations across multiple generations, although the demographic effective size might vary due to change of population size.

simuPOP currently provides two temporal methods proposed by Waples (1989) and Jorde & Ryman’s (2007). Because these methods estimate effective population size using changes of allele frequencies of samples at two generations, it is necessary to set a baseline generation before any temporal method could be applied.

The baseline information is saved to variable Ne_temporal_base when this variable is specified in the vars parameter of the Stat operator. After the baseline is set, for example, at generation 0, if the operator Stat is applied at generations 0, 20, and 40, it will set variable Ne_waples89_P1, Ne_waples89_P2(for Waples 1989) and Ne_tempoFS_P1, Ne_tempoFS_P2 (for Jorde & Ryman 2007, as implemented in a package TempoFS) as the census population size at generation 0, estimated effective population sizes between generation 0 and 20 at generation 20, and estimates between 0 and 40 at generation 40. The variables are lists of three elements: the estimated Ne and lower and upper boundaries of the 95% confidence interval.

Sampling plan 1 assumes that samples are drawn with replacement at the first time point so that some of the individuals sampled in the first time period could have contributed genes to subsequent generations (see Nei and Tajima, 1981 Genetics and other papers). simuPOP uses census population (or subpopulation if the statistics are calcuated for each subpopulations) size as and consider the sample being a subset of the population (or subpopulation), it should be applied to a virtual subpopulation (e.g. a subset of individuals defined by a RangeSplitter) of the whole population. Sample plan 2 treats the sample as a sample from an infinitely-sized population, and should be applied to a population (sample) that is actually extracted from a larger population. Results under both assumptions are calculated and provided so you should choose the ones that match your sampling plan.

Example statNeTemporal demonstrates how to calculate temporal effective population sizes at a 20 generation interval during evolution, using a fixed baseline generation at generation 0. The statistics are estimated from genotypes at 50 unlinked loci from 500 random samples from a population of size 2000. Instead of drawing random samples explicitly, this example defines a virtual subpopulation that consists of the first 500 individuals in the population. The Stat operator is applied at generations 0, 20, 40, …, 100 to this virtual subpopulation, with the first output being the census size (of the sample). Because a standard Wright-Fisher random mating scheme is used, the true effective population size should be around 2000. It would be interesting to adjust this evolutionary process (with population expansion, with varying number of offspring etc) and the method of estimation (sample size, generations between estimates) to see how well this statistic estimate effective population size under different scenarios.

Example: Temporal effective population size using a fixed baseline sample

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([2000], loci=[1]*50)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.RangeSplitter([0, 500]))
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.3, 0.7]),
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=range(50), subPops=[(0,0)],
...             vars='Ne_temporal_base'),
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=range(50), subPops=[(0,0)],
...             vars=['Ne_waples89_P1', 'Ne_tempoFS_P1'], step=20),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"Waples Ne: %.1f (%.1f - %.1f), TempoFS: '
...             r'%.1f (%.1f - %.1f), at generation %d\n" % '
...             'tuple(Ne_waples89_P1 + Ne_tempoFS_P1 + [gen])', step=20)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     gen = 101
... )
Waples Ne: 500.0 (500.0 - 500.0), TempoFS: 500.0 (500.0 - 500.0), at generation 0
Waples Ne: 1853.1 (1155.2 - 3536.1), TempoFS: 1843.2 (1255.1 - 3467.7), at generation 20
Waples Ne: 1537.9 (979.7 - 2452.6), TempoFS: 1565.7 (1117.0 - 2617.2), at generation 40
Waples Ne: 1843.3 (1178.0 - 2872.4), TempoFS: 1963.4 (1332.2 - 3730.9), at generation 60
Waples Ne: 1783.0 (1143.4 - 2710.7), TempoFS: 1807.2 (1291.5 - 3008.7), at generation 80
Waples Ne: 1572.7 (1011.2 - 2346.6), TempoFS: 1639.5 (1205.1 - 2563.6), at generation 100

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Instead of using a fixed baseline generation, it is also possible to reset baseline generation during evolution. For example, Example statNeInterval demonstrates how to calculate temporal effective population sizes at a 20 generation interval during evolution. This example sets variable Ne_temporal_base with Ne_waples89_P1 whenever the Stat operator is applied. This effectively resets the baseline generation to the present generation at generations 0, 20, 40, etc, so baseline generations 0, 20, 40, … are used at generations 20, 40, …. This example also demonstrates how to use the suffix parameter to apply the same statistics with different parameters.

Example: Temporal effective population size between consecutive samples

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([2000], loci=[1]*50)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.RangeSplitter([0, 500]))
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.3, 0.7]),
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=range(50), subPops=[(0,0)],
...             vars='Ne_temporal_base'),
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=range(50), subPops=[(0,0)],
...             vars='Ne_waples89_P1', step=20),
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=range(50), subPops=[(0,0)], step=20,
...             suffix='_i', vars=['Ne_temporal_base', 'Ne_waples89_P1']),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"Waples Ne (till %d): %.1f (%.1f - %.1f), '
...             r'(interval) %.1f (%.1f - %.1f)\n" % '
...             'tuple([gen] + Ne_waples89_P1 + Ne_waples89_P1_i)',
...             step=20)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     gen = 101
... )
Waples Ne (till 0): 500.0 (500.0 - 500.0), (interval) 500.0 (500.0 - 500.0)
Waples Ne (till 20): 1853.1 (1155.2 - 3536.1), (interval) 1853.1 (1155.2 - 3536.1)
Waples Ne (till 40): 1537.9 (979.7 - 2452.6), (interval) 2063.7 (1281.1 - 4094.1)
Waples Ne (till 60): 1843.3 (1178.0 - 2872.4), (interval) 1681.9 (1052.1 - 3112.9)
Waples Ne (till 80): 1783.0 (1143.4 - 2710.7), (interval) 1872.7 (1167.0 - 3586.3)
Waples Ne (till 100): 1572.7 (1011.2 - 2346.6), (interval) 2056.1 (1276.6 - 4073.3)

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Linkage disequilibrium method is another popular method to estimate effective population size. Compared to temporal methods, it has the distinct advantage that it requires only one sample. simuPOP provides a method that is developed by Waples in his 2006 paper. To use this method, you will need to specify variable Ne_LD for a random mating scheme, or Ne_LD_mono for a monogamous mating scheme. statNeLD demonstrates this usage. Note that because the LDNe mehod is sensitive to rare alleles (which can lead to inflated measure of LD), simuPOP provides estimates that ignores alleles with frequencies less than 0 (all alleles are kept), 0.01, 0.02 and 0.05. The results are saved in variable Ne_LD as a dictionary with keys 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, and values as lists of estimated effective population sizes and their 95% confidence intervals. Because of the existence of many rare alleles, the example gives quite different estimates with and without rare alleles (using cutoff=0.02).

Example: Effective population size estimated using a LD based method

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population([2000], loci=[1]*50)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.RangeSplitter([0, 500]))
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.005]*4 + [0.015]*2 + [0.25, 0.7]),
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(effectiveSize=sim.ALL_AVAIL, subPops=[(0,0)],
...             vars='Ne_LD', step=20),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"LD Ne (gen %d): %.1f (%.1f - %.1f)'
...             r', %.1f (%.1f - %.1f, adjusted)\n" % '
...             'tuple([gen] + Ne_LD[0.] + Ne_LD[0.02])',
...             step=20)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     gen = 101
... )
LD Ne (gen 0): 30623.2 (5220.9 - inf), inf (8071.2 - inf, adjusted)
LD Ne (gen 20): 6297.4 (2574.4 - inf), 1900.0 (1160.3 - 4647.8, adjusted)
LD Ne (gen 40): 2187.6 (1554.1 - 3589.2), 2535.5 (1459.2 - 8173.8, adjusted)
LD Ne (gen 60): 2757.8 (1799.2 - 5619.3), 3510.9 (1801.6 - 32066.7, adjusted)
LD Ne (gen 80): 2574.0 (1729.7 - 4828.9), 1813.2 (1197.7 - 3501.7, adjusted)
LD Ne (gen 100): 3234.6 (1819.5 - 12210.9), 2834.8 (1603.4 - 10168.4, adjusted)

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simuPOP allows you to estimate effective population size using genotypes at selected loci from selected individuals. It is up to you, however, to decide when to apply the operator (pre- or post-mating), how to draw samples, and select the right method for your data. For example, the temporal methods assume discrete generations and no (or slight) selection, migration, and mutation. The LD method assumes that markers are selectively neutral and independent; population has discrete generations and is closed to immigration; and sampling is random. In addition, to keep the interface simple, simuPOP does not provide many options as dedicated programs do (e.g. TempoFS). Please export your samples in other formats (e.g. use operator Export(format=''GENEPOP'') or function export(pop, format=''GENEPOP'') from module simuPOP.utiles) and use these programs if you need such flexibilities.

Other statistics

If you need other statistics, a popular approach is to define them using Python operators. If your statistics is based on existing statistics such as allele frequency, it is a good idea to calculate existing statistics using a stat function and derive your statistics from population variables. Please refer to the last chapter of this guide on an example.

If you would like to calculate some summary statistics that involves individual information fields but cannot be calculated using parameters such as minOfInfo, you can try to use operators such as InfoExec to process individuals one by one and collect result. For example, you can use operators


to calculate and report where x is an information field during evolution. This makes use of the fact that operator InfoExec goes through all individuals and evaluate the statement.

If performance becomes a problem, you might want to have a look at the source code of simuPOP and implement your statistics at the C++ level. If you believe that your statistics are popular enough, please send your implementation to the simuPOP mailinglist for possible inclusion of your statistics into simuPOP.

Support for sex and customized chromosome types

simuPOP supports statistics calculation for loci on sex chromosomes. For example, when pair-wise difference between haplotypes is calculated using parameter neutrality, it will pick the right haplotypes for X, and Y chromosomes. However, because neutrality is calculated based on a group of haplotypes of all specified loci, even if the loci are collected across chromosomes, you can not use operator


if the loci are selected from chromosomes of different types, because different numbers of haplotypes exists on these chromosomes. To calculate Pi for these chromosomes, you would have to calculate them separately, using operators such as

Stat(neutrality=range(30,40), suffix='_X')
Stat(neutrality=range(40,50), suffix='_Y')

so that all specified loci are on the same type of chromosomes. Here we use parameter suffix to avoid conflict of variable names because both operator would produce the same variable Pi without this parameter.

The case with customized chromosomes are more complex because the meaning of these chromosomes are defined by users. If these chromosomes are mitochondrial DNAs, only chromosomes from the females are carrying useful information. If you would like to calculate, for example, the Pi statistics for these chromosomes, you will have to explicitly selected females for calculation. This can be done by operator

Stat(neutrality=range(50,60), vsps=[(ALL_AVAIL, 'FEMALE')], suffix='_mt')

if VSPs have been created by a SexSplitter.

Example statChromTypes demonstrates the use of these operators. This example intentionally initializes all individuals with the same haplotypes on all chromosomes (the InitGenotype operator ignores chromosome types). Because of different chromosome types, four Stat operators are used to get the Pi statistics for them. These operators return different results because different sets of haplotypes are picked for the calculation of this statistics.

Example: Statistics for sex and customized chromosome types

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(1000, loci=[5]*4,
...     chromTypes=[sim.AUTOSOME, sim.CHROMOSOME_X, sim.CHROMOSOME_Y, sim.MITOCHONDRIAL])
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.SexSplitter())
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(haplotypes=[ [0, 1, 2, 0, 1]*4, [2, 1, 0, 2, 3]*4 ],
...             prop=[0.4, 0.6]),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(
...         ops=[
...             sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
...             sim.MitochondrialGenoTransmitter()]),
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(neutrality=range(5)),
...         sim.Stat(neutrality=range(5, 10), suffix='_X'),
...         sim.Stat(neutrality=range(10, 15), suffix='_Y'),
...         sim.Stat(neutrality=range(15, 20), suffix='_mt'),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n" % (Pi, Pi_X, Pi_Y, Pi_mt)'),
...     ],
...     gen = 2
... )
1.921 1.900 1.973 1.914
1.931 1.921 1.957 1.945

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