Natural Selection

Natural selection through the selection of parents

In the simplest scenario, natural selection is implemented in two steps:

  • Before mating happens, an operator (called a selector) goes through a population and assign each individual a fitness value. The fitness values are stored in an information field called fitness.
  • When mating happens, parents are chosen with probabilities that are proportional to their fitness values. For example, assuming that a parental population consists of four Individuals with fitness values 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, the probability that they are picked to produce offspring are , , , and respectively. As you can image, if the offspring population has 10 individuals, the four parents will on average parent 1, 2, 3 and 4 offspring.

Because parents with lower fitness values have less chance to be produce offspring, their genotypes have less chance to be passed to an offspring generation. If the decreased fitness is caused by the presence of certain mutant (e.g. a mutant causing a serious disease), individuals with that mutant will have less change to survive and effecitively reduce or eleminate that mutant from the population.

Example selectParents gives an example of natural selection. In this example, a MapSelector is used to explicitly assign fitness value to genotypes at the first locus. The fitness values are 1, 0.98, 0.97 for genotypes 00, 01 and 11 respectively. The selector set individual fitness values to information field fitness before mating happens. The RandomMating mating scheme then selects parents according to parental fitness values.

Example: Natural selection through the selection of parents

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(4000, loci=1, infoFields='fitness')
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(pop, rep=3)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     preOps=sim.MapSelector(loci=0, fitness={(0,0):1, (0,1):0.98, (1,1):0.97}),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval("'Gen:%3d ' % gen", reps=0, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.3f\t' % alleleFreq[0][1]", step=10),
...         sim.PyOutput('\n', reps=-1, step=10)
...     ],
...     gen = 50
... )
Gen:  0 0.490        0.492   0.487
Gen: 10 0.433        0.430   0.431
Gen: 20 0.403        0.390   0.419
Gen: 30 0.343        0.325   0.383
Gen: 40 0.303        0.297   0.334
(50, 50, 50)

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The selection algorithm used in simuPOP is called fitness proportionate selection, or roulette-wheel selection. simuPOP does not use the more efficient stochastic universal sampling algorithm because the number of needed offspring is unknown in advance.

Natural selection through the selection of offspring *

Natural selection can also be implemented as selection of offspring. Remember that an individual will be discarded if one of the during-mating operators fails (return False), a during-mating selector discards offspring according to fitness values of offspring. Instead of relative fitness that will be compared against other individuals during the selection of parents, fitness values of a during-mating selector are considered as absolute fitness which are probabilities to survive and have to be between 0 and 1.

A during-mating selector works as follows:

  1. During evolution, parents are chosen randomly to produce one or more offspring. (Nothing prevents you from choosing parents according to their fitness values, but it is rarely justifiable to apply natural selection to both parents and offspring.)
  2. A selection operator is applied to each offspring during mating and determines his or her fitness value. The fitness value is considered as probability to survive so an offspring will be discarded (operator returns False) if the fitnessvalue is larger than an uniform random number.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the offspring generation is populated.

Because many offspring will be generated and discarded, especially when offspring fitness values are low, selection through offspring is less efficient than selection through parents. In addition, absolute fitness is usually more difficult to estimate than relative fitness. So, unless there are compelling reasons (e.g. simulating realistic scenarios of survival competition among offspring), selection through parents are recommended.

Example selectOffspring gives an example of natural selection through the selection of offspring. This example looks almost identical to Example selectParents but the underlying selection mechanism is quite different. Note that selection through offspring does not save fitness values to an information field so you do not need to add information field fitness to the population.

Example: Natural selection through the selection of offspring

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(10000, loci=1)
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(pop, rep=3)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops=[
...         sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
...         sim.MapSelector(loci=0, fitness={(0,0):1, (0,1):0.98, (1,1):0.97}),
...     ]),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval("'Gen:%3d ' % gen", reps=0, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.3f\t' % alleleFreq[0][1]", step=10),
...         sim.PyOutput('\n', reps=-1, step=10)
...     ],
...     gen = 50
... )
Gen:  0 0.493        0.493   0.496
Gen: 10 0.461        0.464   0.465
Gen: 20 0.436        0.445   0.442
Gen: 30 0.389        0.386   0.385
Gen: 40 0.370        0.345   0.348
(50, 50, 50)

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Are two selection scenarios equivalent? **

If you look closely at Examples selectParents and selectOffspring, you will notice that their results are quite similar. This is actually what you should expect in most cases. Let us look at the theoretical consequence of selection through parents or offspring in a simple case with asexual mating.

Assuming a diallelic marker with three genotypes , and , with frequencies , and , and relative fitness values , , and respectively. If we select through offspring, the proportion of genotype etc., should be

because offspring genotypes are randomly drawn from the parental generation, and each offspring has certain probability to survive.

Now, if we select through parents, the proportion of parents with genotype will be the number of individuals times its probability to be chosen:

This is, however, exactly

which corresponds to the proportion of offspring with such genotype. That is to say, in this simple case, two types of selection scenarios yield identical results.

These two types of selection scenarios do not have to always yield identical results. Exceptions exist in cases with more than one offspring or sexual mating with sex-specific survival rate. simuPOP provides both selection implementations and you should choose one of them for your particular simulation.

Map selector (operator MapSelector)

A map selector uses a Python dictionary to provide fitness values for each type of genotype. For example, Example MapSelector uses a dictionary with keys (0,0), (0,1) and (1,1) to specify fitness values for individuals with these genotypes at locus 0. This example is a typical example of heterozygote advantage. When the genotype frequencies will go to an equilibrium state. Theoretically, if and , the stable allele frequency of allele 0 is

which is in the example (, ).

Example: A selector that uses pre-defined fitness value

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=1000, loci=1, infoFields='fitness')
>>> s1 = .1
>>> s2 = .2
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.2, .8])
...     ],
...     preOps=sim.MapSelector(loci=0, fitness={(0,0):1-s1, (0,1):1, (1,1):1-s2}),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.4f\n' % alleleFreq[0][0]", step=100)
...     ],
...     gen=301
... )

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The above example assumes that the fitness value for individuals with genotypes (0,1) and (1,0) are the same. This assumption is usually valid but can be vialoated with impriting. In that case, you can specify fitness for both types of genotypes. The underlying mechanism is that the MapSelector looks up a genotype in the dictionary first directly, and then without phase information if a genotype is not found.

This operator supports haplodiploid populations and sex chromosomes. In these cases, only valid alleles should be listed which can lead to dictionary keys with different lengths. In addition, although less used because of potentially a large number of keys, this operator can act on multiple loci. Please refer to MapPenetrance for details.

Multi-allele selector (operator MaSelector)

A multi-allele selector divides alleles into two groups, wildtype A and mutants a, and treat alleles within each group as the same. The fitness model is therefore simplified to

  • Two fitness values for genotype , in the haploid case
  • Three fitness values for genotype AA, Aa and aa in the diploid single locus case. Genotype Aa and aA are assumed to have the same impact on fitness.

The default wildtype group contains allele 0 so the two allele groups are zero and non-zero alleles. Example MaSelector demonstrates the use of this operator. This example is identical to Example MapSelector except that there are five alleles at locus 0 and alleles 1, 2, 3, 4 are treated as a single non-widetype group.

Example: A multi-allele selector

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=1000, loci=1, infoFields='fitness')
>>> s1 = .1
>>> s2 = .2
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.2] * 5)
...     ],
...     preOps=sim.MaSelector(loci=0, fitness=[1-s1, 1, 1-s2]),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.4f\n' % alleleFreq[0][0]", step=100)
...     ],
...     gen = 301)

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Operator MaSelector also supports multiple loci by specifying fitness values for all combination of genotype at specified loci. In the case of two loci, this operator requires

  • Four fitness values for genotype AB, Ab, aB and ab in the haploid case,
  • Nine fitness values for genotype AABB, AABb, AAbb, AaBB, AaBb, Aabb, aaBB, aaBb, and aabb in the haploid case.

In general, values are needed for haploid populations and values are needed for diploid populations where is the number of loci. This operator does not yet support haplodiploid populations and sex chromosomes. Example MaSelectorHaploid demonstrates the use of a multi-locus model in a haploid population.

Example: A multi-locus multi-allele selection model in a haploid population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=10000, ploidy=1, loci=[1,1], infoFields='fitness')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5])
...     ],
...     # fitness values for AB, Ab, aB and ab
...     preOps=sim.MaSelector(loci=[0,1], fitness=[1, 1, 1, 0.95]),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomSelection(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(haploFreq=[0, 1], step=25),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\t%.3f\n' % (haploFreq[(0,1)][(0,0)],"
...                 "haploFreq[(0,1)][(0,1)], haploFreq[(0,1)][(1,0)],"
...                 "haploFreq[(0,1)][(1,1)])", step=25)
...     ],
...     gen = 100
... )
0.264        0.243   0.252   0.240
0.292        0.294   0.321   0.093
0.339        0.330   0.303   0.027
0.310        0.383   0.297   0.009

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Multi-locus selection models (operator MlSelector)

Although an individual’s fitness can be affected by several factors, each of which can be modeled individually, only one fitness value is used to determine a person’s ability to pass all these factors to his or her offspring. Although in theory we sometimes assume independent evolution of disease predisposing loci (mostly for mathematical reasons), in practise we have to use a multi-locus selection model to combine single-locus models.

This multi-loci selector applies several selectors to each individual and computes an overall fitness value from the fitness values provided by these selectors. Although this selector is designed to obtain multi-loci fitness values from several single-locus fitness models, any selector, including those obtain their fitness values from multiple disease predisposing loci, can be used in this selector. This selector uses parameter mode to control how individual fitness values are combined. More specifically, if are fitness values obtained from individual selectors, this selector returns

  • if mode=MULTIPLICATIVE, and
  • if mode=ADDITIVE, and

0 will be returned if the returned fitness value is less than 0.

This operator simply combines individual fitness values and it is your responsibility to apply and interpret these models. For example, if relative fitness values are greater than one, the heterogeneity model hardly makes sense. Example MlSelector demonstrates the use of this operator using an additive multi-locus model over an additive and a recessive single- locus model at two diesease predisposing loci. For comparison, we simulate two additional replicates with selection only applying to one of the two loci. It would be interesting to see if these two loci evolve more or less independently by comparing allele freqency trajectories of these two replicates to those in the first replicate.

Example: A multi-loci selector

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=10000, loci=2, infoFields='fitness')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5])
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.MlSelector([
...             sim.MapSelector(loci=0, fitness={(0,0):1, (0,1):1, (1,1):.8}),
...             sim.MapSelector(loci=1, fitness={(0,0):1, (0,1):0.9, (1,1):.8}),
...             ], mode = sim.ADDITIVE, reps=0),
...         sim.MapSelector(loci=0, fitness={(0,0):1, (0,1):1, (1,1):.8}, reps=1),
...         sim.MapSelector(loci=1, fitness={(0,0):1, (0,1):0.9, (1,1):.8}, reps=2)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...          sim.Stat(alleleFreq=[0,1]),
...          sim.PyEval(r"'REP %d:\t%.3f\t%.3f\t' % (rep, alleleFreq[0][1], alleleFreq[1][1])"),
...          sim.PyOutput('\n', reps=-1),
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
REP 0:       0.472   0.465
REP 0:       0.452   0.429
REP 0:       0.429   0.397
REP 0:       0.405   0.378
REP 0:       0.382   0.355

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A hybrid selector (operator PySelector)

When your selection model involves multiple interacting genetic and environmental factors, it might be easier to calculate a fitness value explicitly using a Python function. A hybrid selector can be used for this purpose. If your selection model depends solely on genotype, you can define a function such as

def fitness_func(geno):
    # calculate fitness according to genotype at specified loci
    # genotypes are arrange locus by locus, namely A1,A2,B1,B2 for loci A and B
    return val

and use this function in an operator PySelector(func=fitness_func, loci=loci). If your selection model depends on genotype as well as some information fields, you can define a function in the form of

def fitness_func(geno, field1, field2):
    # calculate fitness according to genotype at specified loci
    # and values at specified informaton fields.
    return val

where field1, field2 are names of information fields. simuPOP will pass genotype and value of specified fields according to name of the passed function. Note that genotypes are arrange locus by locus, namely in the order of A1,``A2``,``B1``,``B2`` for loci A and B. Other parameters such as gen, ind, and pop are also allowed. Please check the reference manual for details.

When a PySelector is used to calculate fitness for an individual (parents if applied pre-mating, offspring if applied during-mating), it will collect his or her genotype at specified loci, optional values at specified information fields, generation number, or individual to a user-specified Python function, and take its return value as fitness. As you can imagine, the incorporation of information fields and generation number allow the implementation of very complex selection scenarios such as gene environment interaction and varying selection pressures.

Example PySelector demonstrates how to use a PySelector to specify fitness values according to a fitness table and the smoking status of each individual.

Example: A hybrid selector

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=2000, loci=[1]*2, infoFields=['fitness', 'smoking'])
>>> s1 = .02
>>> s2 = .03
>>> # the second parameter gen can be used for varying selection pressure
>>> def sel(geno, smoking):
...     #     BB  Bb   bb
...     # AA  1   1    1
...     # Aa  1   1-s1 1-s2
...     # aa  1   1    1-s2
...     #
...     # geno is (A1 A2 B1 B2)
...     if geno[0] + geno[1] == 1 and geno[2] + geno[3] == 1:
...         v = 1 - s1  # case of AaBb
...     elif geno[2] + geno[3] == 2:
...         v = 1 - s2  # case of ??bb
...     else:
...         v = 1       # other cases
...     if smoking:
...         return v * 0.9
...     else:
...         return v
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5])
...     ],
...     preOps=sim.PySelector(loci=[0, 1], func=sel),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         # set smoking status randomly
...         sim.InitInfo(lambda : random.randint(0,1), infoFields='smoking'),
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=[0, 1], step=20),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.4f\t%.4f\n' % (alleleFreq[0][1], alleleFreq[1][1])", step=20)
...     ],
...     gen = 50
... )
0.4943       0.4890
0.4880       0.4285
0.4898       0.4073

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Multi-locus random fitness effects (operator PyMlSelector)

If the fitness of individuals is determined by fitness effects over a large number of loci, both MlSelector and PySelector are difficult to use because the former requires a large number of single-locus selectors, and the latter requires the processing long genome sequences. If the overall fitness can be determined by fitness effects of mutants, a PyMlSelector can be used. This operator

  • Calls a user-provided call-back function for each locus with at least a mutant (non-zero allele). The function can accept location and genotype so the fitness can be location and genotype dependent. The return value is cached so the function will be called only once for each locus-genotype pair.
  • The fitness of each individual is determined by fitness values of loci with at least one mutant, using the same methods as operator MlSelector. This implicitly assumes that loci without any mutant have fitness value 1 and will not contribute to the final fitness value.

Example PySelector demonstrates how to use a PyMlSelector to implement a fitness model where each mutant has a random fitness drawn from a Gamma distribution. An additive model is used so a homozygote will have a fitness penalty that doubles that of a heterozygote. Because the fitness values of heterozygote and homozygote at each locus are requested separately, a class is used to store locus-specific s values.

The fitness value of each locus-genotype pair is outputted to a file, and it should be interesting to plot the distribution of allele frequency at each locus against the fitness values, because mutants that suffer from stronger negative natural selection are supposed to be rarer.

Example: Random fitness effect

>>> import simuOpt
>>> simuOpt.setOptions(quiet=True, alleleType='mutant')
>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=2000, loci=[10000], infoFields=['fitness'])
>>> class GammaDistributedFitness:
...     def __init__(self, alpha, beta):
...         self.coefMap = {}
...         self.alpha = alpha
...         self.beta = beta
...     def __call__(self, loc, alleles):
...         # because s is assigned for each locus, we need to make sure the
...         # same s is used for fitness of genotypes 01 (1-s) and 11 (1-2s)
...         # at each locus
...         if loc in self.coefMap:
...             s = self.coefMap[loc]
...         else:
...             s = random.gammavariate(self.alpha, self.beta)
...             self.coefMap[loc] = s
...         #
...         if 0 in alleles:
...             return 1. - s
...         else:
...             return 1. - 2.*s
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=sim.InitSex(),
...     preOps=[
...         sim.AcgtMutator(rate=[0.00001], model='JC69'),
...         sim.PyMlSelector(GammaDistributedFitness(0.23, 0.185),
...             output='>>sel.txt'),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(numOfSegSites=sim.ALL_AVAIL, step=50),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Gen: %2d #seg sites: %d\n' % (gen, numOfSegSites)",
...             step=50)
...     ],
...     gen = 201
... )
Gen:  0 #seg sites: 180
Gen: 50 #seg sites: 1310
Gen: 100 #seg sites: 1479
Gen: 150 #seg sites: 1511
Gen: 200 #seg sites: 1579
>>> print(''.join(open('sel.txt').readlines()[:5]))
5855 1       0       0.978125
1085 2       0       0.340724
2907 0       1       0.998146
7773 0       1       0.927273
1835 0       2       0.999976

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Alternative implementations of natural selection

If you know how natural selection works in simuPOP, you do not have to use a selector to perform natural selection. For example,

  • If you choose to use fitness values of parents to perform probabilistic natural selection during mating, you just need to set individual fitness in some way before mating. (You do not even have to use information field fitness because you can specify which information field to use in a mating scheme using parameter selectionField). This can be done through a penetrance model (as shown in the following example) where affected individuals are selected against during mating, a quantitative trait model (where a trait is defined to control individual fitness), or by setting information field fitness manually through a Python operator.
  • If you would like to perform deterministic selection on certain phenotype, you can explicitly remove individuals before or during mating. More explicitly, you can use an operator DiscardIf to remove parents before mating or remove offspring during mating according to certain status (disease status or quantitative trait), provided that the trait status is defined before this operator is applied.

Example peneSelector demonstrates a commonly used case where parents who are affected with certain disease are excluded from producing offspring. In this example, a penetrance model (operator MaPenetrance) is applied to the parental generation to determine who will be affected. An InfoExec operator is used to set individual fitness to 1 if he or she is unaffected, and 0 if he or she is affected. Due to the way parents are selected, affected parents will not be able to produce offspring as long as there is any unaffected individual. Because individual affection status is determined by his or her genotype, this genotype - affection status - fitness relationship could be implemented using an equivalent MaSelector. This method could be extended to InfoExec('fitness = 1 - 0.01*ind.affected()', exposeInd='ind') to select against, but not remove, affected parents, and similarly InfoExec('fitness = 1 - 0.01*(LDL > 250)') to select against individuals according to a quantitative trait. For this particular example, a DiscardIf operator could be used, although it can be slower because of the explicit removal of parents.

Example: Natural selection according to individual affection status

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=2000, loci=1, infoFields='fitness')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5])
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.MaPenetrance(loci=0, penetrance=[0.01, 0.1, 0.2]),
...         sim.Stat(numOfAffected=True, step=25, vars='propOfAffected'),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'Percent of affected: %.3f\t' % propOfAffected", step=50),
...         sim.InfoExec('fitness = not ind.affected()', exposeInd='ind')
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.4f\n' % alleleFreq[0][1]", step=50)
...     ],
...     gen=151
... )
Percent of affected: 0.110   0.4713
Percent of affected: 0.009   0.0095
Percent of affected: 0.013   0.0000
Percent of affected: 0.008   0.0000

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Frequency dependent or dynamic selection pressure *

If individual fitness depends on individual information fields and/or population variables, you will have to calculate individual fitness using expressions or functions. In order to access individual information fields and population variable and calculate individual fitness, you have the option to

  • Use a PySelector and pass genotype, values of information fields, references to individual and population to a user-provided function, which returns fitness value for each individual.
  • Use of PyOperator to obtain information of the population (e.g. variables) and all individuals. Determine individual fitness and set information field fitness of all individuals.
  • Use an operator InfoExec to calculate individual fitness using expressions. This method can be more efficient than others because simuPOP does not have to call a user-provided function.

Example freqDependentSelection demonstrates an example where the fitness values of individuals are calculated from allele frequencies calculated using a Stat operator. Because the fitness values of individuals are 1, , for genotype 00, 01 and 11 where is the frequency of allele 1, this allele will be under purifying selection if its frequency is over 0.5, and positive selection if its frequency is less than 0.5. Consequently, the frequency of this allele will oscillate around 0.5 during evolution, as shown in the result of this example.

Example: Frequency dependent selection

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=2000, loci=1, infoFields='fitness')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5])
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0),
...         sim.InfoExec('''fitness = {
...             0: 1,
...             1: 1 - (alleleFreq[0][1] - 0.5)*0.1,
...             2: 1 - (alleleFreq[0][1] - 0.5)*0.2}[ind.allele(0,0)+ind.allele(0,1)]''',
...             exposeInd='ind'),
...         sim.Stat(meanOfInfo='fitness'),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'alleleFreq=%.3f, mean fitness=%.5f\n' % (alleleFreq[0][1], meanOfInfo['fitness'])",
...             step=25),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     gen=151
... )
alleleFreq=0.495, mean fitness=1.00045
alleleFreq=0.504, mean fitness=0.99955
alleleFreq=0.484, mean fitness=1.00150
alleleFreq=0.492, mean fitness=1.00076
alleleFreq=0.499, mean fitness=1.00005
alleleFreq=0.526, mean fitness=0.99726
alleleFreq=0.514, mean fitness=0.99856

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Support for virtual subpopulations *

Support for virtual subpopulations allows you to use different selectors for different (virtual) subpopulations. Because virtual subpopulations may overlap, and they do not have to cover all individuals in a subpopulation, it is important to remember that

  • If virtual subpopulations overlap, the fitness value set by the last selector will be used.
  • If an individual is not included in any of the virtual subpopulation, its fitness value will be zero which will prevent them from producing any offspring.

Example vspSelector demonstrates how to apply selectors to virtual subpopulations. This example has two subpopulations, each having two virtual subpopulations defined by sex. Natural selection is applied to male individuals in the first subpopulation, and female individuals in the second subpopulation. However, because the sex of offspring is randomly determined, the selection actually decreases the disease allele frequency for all inviduals.

Example: Selector in virtual subpopulations

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[5000, 5000], loci=1, infoFields='fitness')
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.SexSplitter())
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5])
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.MaSelector(loci=0, fitness=[1, 1, 0.98], subPops=[(0,0), (1,1)]),
...         sim.MaSelector(loci=0, fitness=[1, 0.99, 0.98], subPops=[(0,1), (1,0)]),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=[0], subPops=[(sim.ALL_AVAIL, sim.ALL_AVAIL)],
...             vars='alleleFreq_sp', step=50),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\n' % "
...             "tuple([subPop[x]['alleleFreq'][0][1] for x in ((0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1))])",
...             step=50)
...     ],
...     gen=151
... )
0.5022       0.5083  0.4970  0.5020
0.4086       0.4054  0.3849  0.3817
0.3275       0.3259  0.2435  0.2532
0.2715       0.2662  0.1305  0.1338

now exiting runScriptInteractively...


Selecting through offspring can also be applied to virtual subpopulations. For example, Example vspDuringMatingSelector moves the selectors to the ops parameter of RandomMating. In this way, male and female offspring will have different survival probabilities according to their genotype.

Example: Selection against offspring in virtual subpopulations

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[5000, 5000], loci=1, infoFields='fitness')
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.SexSplitter())
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.5, .5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops=[
...         sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
...         sim.MaSelector(loci=0, fitness=[1, 1, 0.98], subPops=[(0,0), (1,1)]),
...         sim.MaSelector(loci=0, fitness=[1, 0.99, 0.98], subPops=[(0,1), (1,0)]),
...         ]),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=[0], subPops=[(sim.ALL_AVAIL, sim.ALL_AVAIL)],
...             vars='alleleFreq_sp', step=50),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.4f\n' % "
...             "tuple([subPop[x]['alleleFreq'][0][1] for x in ((0,0),(0,1),(1,0),(1,1))])",
...             step=50)
...     ],
...     gen=151
... )
0.5018       0.5034  0.4941  0.4853
0.3652       0.3728  0.3820  0.3766
0.2882       0.2920  0.2590  0.2667
0.2083       0.1994  0.2378  0.2356

now exiting runScriptInteractively...


Natural selection in heterogeneous mating schemes **

Multiple mating schemes could be applied to the same subpopulation in a heterogeneous mating scheme (HeteroMating). These mating schemes may or may not support natural selection, may be applied to different virtual subpopulations of population, and they may see Individuals differently in terms of individual fitness. Parameter fitnessField of a mating scheme could be used to handle such cases. More specifically,

  • You can turn off the natural selection support of a mating scheme by setting fitnessField=''.
  • If a mating scheme uses a different set of fitness values, you can add an information field (e.g. fitness1), setting individual fitness to this information field using a selector (with parameter infoFields='fitness1') and tells a mating scheme to look in this information field for fitness values (using parameter fitnessField='fitness1').